A video of Red, a loved, red tabby cat who died too soon. He was loved by Marc. Marc contributes to this site by making interesting and useful comments. This video was made by me as a thank you. Marc will no doubt make some comments to fill out the story of his beloved cat.
Of course the material for the videos was provided by Marc. You’ll see slightly strange formatting in the video section (vertical). I am not sure why Marc’s camcorder recorded like this. It actually makes no difference. It may even improve it.
What message do I get from the video? A joie de vivre from Red and piles of love from Marc. And that simple but powerful message comes through in Marc’s comments too. There is a free spirit in Red, which for me comes across very strongly.
At the end, the video presents other versions one of which is the one above. Another version is very short and just video material. The videos are held on Vimeo. I have an account with them.
There is nothing really clever in the video. The motto is keep videos short and simple. I evened out the exposure of some of the video material, faded in some still images at the beginning and at the end, and added some words.
I believe you are right and he was loved so sweetly.
Red was beautiful,it’s plain to see he was happy and well loved. So sad that his life was cut short but I think he would have chosen to live as he did for the time he had.
Red was a lovely boy and had a good life with you Marc,I hope no one makes you feel guilty the accident happened.
I hate it that people are made to feel it’s wrong to let their cats out,yes it’s dangerous in some places and yes accidents happen but like Ruth says it’s circumstances should decide not someone telling you it’s always bad.I’m so upset for that poor cat had his freedom took off him and is ill,so much for keeping cats safe inside.
I hate it that people have made this world unsafe for kids and animals,why should they pay the price for progress?
Like all people who love cats I think you struggle (and rightly so) with the indoor/outdoor dilemma. I do. I wish the world was a bit safer for the cat. Cats should be outside smelling the grass etc.. Red was a beautiful free spirited cat. I think I can sense his thoughts.
Thanks Ruth, for the moment my cats are ‘ok’ indoors. Not great, but they seem to be doing pretty well. They didn’t spend the first 6 months living outside as Red did. The other problem I have is Lilly is not entirely my cat so I can’t let her out. The other 2 are mine but there’s no way to let them out and not Lilly. Also, I have tried a couple times. As soon as I let Lilly out she goes right to the spot where Red died by this dangerous road. Watching her run accross my road to get there scares the hell out of me. Lilly is social, she goes where there is action and people. It’s frightening. I let her out a couple times near the beginning alone and she kept choosing to go to the most dangerous places so I just said no. I couldn’t forgive myself if she died a month later in the same place as Red. But Lilly used to be an indoor cat who we took to the countryside to let outdoors for long weekends. So she is used to the indoor life. I agree with your philosophy though. When the weather gets warm this is going to become very difficult and they will want out. I will see about paying some people to enclose my balcony. Its rather difficult though and othersin the building might not like it. We are have our Eigentumerversämlung (house meeting or sonething like that) in March. I might ask, or I might decide to just do it incase if I ask a somebody says no.
Red was a beautiful cat and his love of outdoors is plain to see. How could you ever with an easy conscience confine such a free spirit? You could not! No more than we could keep Walter and Jozef prisoners, the quality of their lives and ours would be unthinkable.
I believe in fate and although Red’s life was short and you are still heartbroken Marc, he obviously enjoyed every moment of it. Accidents happen indoors too and stress related illnesses happen to frustrated cats.
I have a contact who was made to feel so bad about allowing her cat freedom she felt pressured to keep him strictly indoors, he paced for months, crying, from door to window before he gave in…I call that breaking a cat’s spirit….he now has serious bladder problems.
A (maybe)long, frustrated life indoors or a life of freedom with its risks?
Life is for living.
Some cats are content indoors but not all are, we have to decide on their behalf, according to their nature and weigh up the pros and cons.
6 months is no time at all to be bereaved Marc, you are very brave to allow us to share your pictures and videos.
I am looking forward to seeing more.
Take care x