Nearly all of these thirteen successfully rehomed cats have been through very tough times. It is upsetting to read their stories before being brought to Kays Hill.
Leanne of Kays Hill Animal Sanctuary kindly sent me the pictures and the brief summary of their stories which are the captions. I love the successful element of stories, the rehoming and the care given by Kays Hill. They are sad stories, though. Well done to Kays Hill for getting them back to health and rehoming them. Great job.

I was a bit surprised at the number of injured cats brought to Kays Hill. This must make things harder and more expensive for Kays Hill.
Leanne so lovely seeing all your beautiful cats and knowing they now have happy forever homes. I have to say though I felt sad for them but only because of their previous lives 🙁 so pleased to see though that because of you and Kevin all the kitties stories had a happy ending 🙂
thank you for the goodies ruth and barbara, it was lovely seeing you both.