Royal Canin Involved in Bear Baiting

Royal Canin involved in bear baiting
Photo credit: Express newspaper.

Royal Canin is a large pet food manufacturer. They sponsor lots of cat and dogs shows. They decided that it is a good way to promote their products. They are a French company that is now owned by a large, renown British company, Mars. Mars makes Whiskas cat food, a well known brand in the UK.

Royal Canin have a facility in Ukraine. In Ukraine bear baiting still takes place. In the UK, the Cruelty to Animals Act 1835 banned it! That is 178 years ago. And this is one of the world’s great problems. Different regions and countries have developed at different speeds. This causes an imbalance and huge stresses and problems one of which is mass immigration.

Well, it appears that the branch of Royal Canin in Ukraine extended their fondness for sponsoring cat and dog shows to sponsoring bear baiting. It seems that they sponsored an event where bear baiting took place. Two specially trained dogs attack a chained bear causing massive injuries and some people in Ukraine like to watch it and place bets on it. Henry VIII of England (1491 – 1547) did the same thing.

The bear in the sponsored event survived. Mars are horrified. They appear not to have known about it. Royal Canin based in France state that they have a highly ethical approach to animal research and have apologised. Although initially they produced some sort of mealy-mouthed statement that did not satisfy Mars? I don’t know but the statement was changed later.

Also we are to thank an Austrian charity, Four Paws who are involved in bear welfare who put pressure on Royal Canin and the Daily Express a British newspaper for reporting on it – the source of this article.

Royal Canin have “pledged” to donate £250,000 to “find and save up to 20 bears” (the words of the Express reporter). What chance of it happening?

There is a video on YouTube of the Ukraine bear baiting, which has been removed (black screen) by YouTube as it violated their rules. That is how bad it is.

Note: My thanks to Harvey for telling me about this story.

Royal Canin Ukraine:

04071, Ukraine, Kiev,

Str. Upper Shaft, 24A, of. 31 

19 thoughts on “Royal Canin Involved in Bear Baiting”

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