Second Floor Apartment Outdoor Cat

This is an outdoor cat that lives on the second or first floor of a block of apartments. Together, the cat’s owner and his cat have found a neat and imaginative solution that allows the cat to go outside and enjoy nature: the cat elevator.

I love this sort of thing because it shows a clever adaptation to make the best of what one has and it shows a beautiful trust between cat and human. This has got to be a close relationship.

It appears to be in France because the man asks in French, “Do you want to come up?” “Tu vas monter?” I think I have that correct. The cat says “yes” and the man lowers the elevator.

I remember a post Elisa wrote years ago about indoor/outdoor cats living many floor above the ground. The owners built some intricate steps and ladders etc to allow their cats access to the ground and nature.

This is the page.

My thanks to dw in Calif. for showing me the video.

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