Selection of Six Pictures of Cats

This is another selection of some pictures of cats. Five of them were found by dw (Dorothy Wandruff) and this short post is in recognition of her belief that we should try and include as much nice stuff in our lives as possible especially at 4:30 in the morning when some of us wake up.

There are a lot of images of animal cruelty and sadness out there, in the ether of the internet. We must deal with it and try to prevent animal abuse but not to the point where we are ourselves victims. Disturbing images can disturb minds.

There is one picture amongst this mini-gallery that I like the best:

Cat and boy on a swing
Cat and boy on a swing

This is an utterly charming picture for me. The serious love of the boy and the relaxed cat are a neat combination. It must have been set up and you can see it was lit with a flashlight so a decent photographer created this image. He did a great job, though. I don’t know who the photographer is. Please come forward and leave a comment.

My next choice is this one:

Four animals of different species snuggled up
Four animals of different species snuggled up

dw knows I like these. They radiate harmony. Harmony is something we lack in the world. That is why I like them. When I first saw it, the question I had was, “how many animals are in the picture?” Are there four or five? And what is the fifth animal if there are five?

Next up is:

Studio cat photo of young girl and white cat in the snow.
Studio cat photo of young girl and white cat in the snow.

For a grumpy old man like me this is sentimental schmalz but it has been created with great professionalism. For that reason I really like it. It is a stand out picture. “Schmalz” is rendered animal fat! So says Wikipedia.

Then we have one of the prettiest small wild cat species, the Pallas cat or Pallas’s cat. Otherwise known as the manul. If you search for “manul wild cat” Google usually finds car manuals…

Pallas cat picture
Pallas cat picture

These cats are great climbers. Don’t be fooled into thinking they are cute, little, sweet cats. They are in the way they look but they are also wild and a fine predator. They live in mid-Asia on the high, cold plains to the north of India.

The next cat picture is a funny (ha ha) cat picture in a way. It is also funny (peculiar) because it is odd to see a cat sleeping bang in the middle of a (cold?) kitchen floor, flat on his/her back looking at the ceiling:

Cat sleeping on kitchen floor
Cat sleeping on kitchen floor

You can see what I call a “van-type” cat coming up to check out what is going on. This cat must be very chilled out which is a testament to the people who run the household. It is a cat centric household I sense. This cat feels very comfortable where he lives.

Finally a classic funny cat pic. I don’t really like these any more, as I have made known to others, but they are still a delight in many ways and to many people:

Shocked Kitten
Shocked Kitten

With a lot of regret I have to confess that I don’t have credits for these pictures. They are almost certainly in the public domain. I would very much like to add credits if the photographers can come forward. I’ll provide a link of your choice as well.

I hope you enjoyed them. Thank you, dw, for finding them.

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