Should a female cat experience parturition before being spayed?

Parturition is the act of giving birth. According to research conducted in 1996 by a scientist, Luke, about 20% or one fifth of the American public believe that a female cat should be allowed to give birth to kittens before being spayed (ovariohysterectomy). Are they correct? The surgery includes the removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Twenty percent of the American public amounts to more than 60 million people (2012). Their attitude, right or wrong, contributes to the cat overpopulation problem because female cats on average give birth to 2.43 litters of 4.3 kittens before being spayed. That is a lot of cats. Some will end up in shelters and live a short, unwanted life before being ‘euthanised’.

Their attitude has profound consequences. It would be nice to find out why people think this and whether they can change their views. Or whether they should change their views. Luke says the research did not provide answers.

However, he speculates that the reason why people have this attitude is:

  • ‘..a tendency to anthropomorphize their parental instincts onto their pets’. I can understand this. First, I wonder whether it is mainly women who have this attitude. I certainly don’t like the castration of male cats because I like a male cat to be fully male. I am not sure that is anthropomorphizing a cat. I think it is just that an intact male domestic cat has the full range of male wildcat behaviors that are attractive but…I understand the practical reasons for sterilising. Do women think that to spay a female cat before she has gone through pregnancy and birth will rob her of some of her femininity? Will it change her behavior and make her less sweet natured?
  • Some people believe that it is good for a female cat’s long term health if she gives birth before being sterilized.
  • The belief that cats should reach sexual maturity before being sterilized. Vets used to give advice that cats should be at least 6 months of age before undergoing the operation. However as at 2007 vets have revised their advice and early age spaying and neutering is now accepted. Is it fully accepted by all vets? Does early age neutering stunt growth and behavioral development?
Feral or Stray Cat Being Spayed
Adult Feral or Stray Cat Being Spayed. Photo: by Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue

Doctors Eldridge, Carlson (father and daughter) and Giffin write in their authoritative book1 that a “queen does not need to have a litter of kittens to be psychologically fulfilled or to ‘settle down’ behaviorally”. They recommend spaying at 5-7 months of age before her first heat. The operation is easier on a young cat and it can be done at 7 weeks of age, they write. They go on to say that studies have shown that (a) there are no health problems (b) no long term behavioral issues and (c) the cat might be taller because ‘bone closure rates are delayed” (e) cats are not fatter but the operation might slow the cat’s metabolism so less food is required (and more exercise). Note: indirectly, spaying might, therefore, make cats fatter?

Also by spaying before the cat’s first heat there is a reduction in the occurrence of:

  • mammary tumors (by 90%) and the..
  • elimination of the possibly of infections and cancers of the uterus.

They also say that spaying a female cat:

  • will not change her ‘basic personality’. Note: the authors have hinted that a female cat’s personality might or will be changed in that statement.
  • will make the cat less irritable ‘at certain times of the year’
  • reduces urine marking
  • eliminates heat cycle behavior

Other sources

The Veterinarian’s Guide to Your Cat’s Symptoms says that spaying before first heat ‘is thought to prevent mammary tumors”. So, less certain. As to long term effects they that early neutering ‘has so far’ proved to be safe and effective. But they make the point that this is a relatively new procedure. However the book was published in 1999.

I have found it difficult to find a study that was carried out recently, say in 2012 or 2011 that would shed some light on the long term effects of early spaying of female cats. The AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) reported back in 2000. They concluded at that time that “prepubertal gonadectomy” (early spaying) was safe in terms of long term effects at least until 3 years after the operation. I suppose they were playing safe. In a later report of 2004, probably the most recent that we have to hand, the AVMA recommend spaying before 5.5 months of age. They say that both male and female cats were more shy after an early operation.

I couldn’t find anything at all about it on the British Veterinary Association website. As at 1993 British vets had mixed opinions about early sterilisation of cats2.

P.H.Kass referring to Olsen’s study of 2001 and writing in The Welfare of Cats says that long term studies ‘may yet reveal’ health concerns for early spaying.


We have to conclude that at present, when taking into account all the benefits and known and unknown detriments to early pre-first heat spaying, that it is regrettably the right thing to do. Cat caretakers who think it is wrong need to change their minds.

Associated article: Neutering Cats.

1.Cat Owner’s Home Veterinary Guide page 426 – ISBN 978-0-470-09530-0
3. Original Flickr photo.

28 thoughts on “Should a female cat experience parturition before being spayed?”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Of course I’m paranoid, you said you killed and buried hundreds of cats. What part of that shouldn’t I be paranoid about.

  3. Hi Marc. Thanks for your comment. I publish strong comments sometimes because they express real feeling. You are right, people who care about animals are angry at the ignorance and heartlessness of some people. We need to express ourselves and it is OK. It is normal and human. Sometimes I feel I could kill..a human! :). If I saw someone hurt or kill my cat companion I don’t know whether I would be able to control my aggression towards that person.

  4. Michael, although I was born in France and grew up through the English boarding school system, my mum is from California and I have a US passport. I agree, of course its not all bad, and actually its a chap like woodsman here who does alot of other Americans badly. The US is a hard place for animal lovers. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and I have never actually in my life been so rude and I doubt I will again for a very long time. It has been a build-up of this mans attitude ovewr recent reading I have done that has gotten me to such an awful level of disdain. I would have been totally ok with a good telling off too and I know you would probably still agreed with me nonetheless about my remarks concerning the actual article. It hurts me so much to think about what he says he has done. To think of all those cats who have come accross his path. I lost it. And I begin to understand why often animal activists are angry and counter productive. We are human and when it comes to things we love the most – well, I lost control. In more sensible terms I put it down to a lack of decent education perhaps in some or many parts of the US. It would be illegal in England or here where I now live in Switzerland. Thank goodness. There are many great things about the US, infact I lived in Canada for 8 years to get an idea of life accross the pond. I lived with my first cat there. I saw the huge amounts of strays. I knew people who declawed thier cat and didnt even know it was a bad thing to do. Education is key. I’m lucky enough to have gotten a good education, but not everybody did, or could afford it so I shouldnt not be so mean like that. Very decent of you though to let me run with that. Wrong side of the bed today! I just lost a cat one month ago who I loved more than I have ever loved any human. It’s been hard, plus I had to go to England for work for a week and had little time to grieve at first. So I am sorry for taking it out on somebody who, albeit that they pushed that last button for me, was on your website. I appreciate your allowance of more extreme opinions and that you publish such anti in order to give a proper and balanced view of the world of people and cats. It is a valuable thing. We need to know about these kinds of people for our and our cat’s safety.

  5. This just goes to prove again what I’ve suspected all along … the Toxoplasma gondii parasites in cat-lovers brains won’t let them think nor reason beyond wanting to ensure the proliferation of more T. gondii parasites throughout the whole food-chain and into more humans, by spreading their genetically-engineered, nature-destroying, INVASIVE-SPECIES cats even further. Even if they have to harm or murder humans that stand in their way. They are being controlled against all common-sense and reason by the cats’ parasites that have taken over their minds.

    Get tested for T. gondii if you are defending these invasive-species cats’ lives. You’re most likely obeying cats’ parasites in your brain now. You can no longer think nor reason like a human anymore, ignoring all logic and common-sense. Your thoughts demoted to that of parasitic protozoan awareness, where only its base biochemical survival matters, without concern nor regard for anything else in its environment. (Sounds just like every cat-lover, doesn’t it.) Though either way, even if you are not infected by this cat-parasite and still feel that it’s better to harm a human than a cat, seek professional help before you act on these blatantly clear psychopathic and sociopathic thoughts and values of yours.

    For just a few of the links on studies of how this cats’-parasite hijacks the human (or any animal’s) mind:

    “How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy”

    “Toxoplasmosis and psychology: A game of cat and mouse”

    “Crazy Cat Love: Caused By Parasitic Infection?”

    “Research Links Parasite In Cats To Mental Illnesses”

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