By Ruth aka Kattaddorra
It fascinates me how some cats are ‘helpers’ but some are not. Jozef especially loves to be in the kitchen with me when I’m checking the cat food cupboard to see what we need on our shopping list.
He goes up via the worktop and fridge top to the cupboard top to sit and supervise. He watches me lift all the boxes of food sachets and trays down and fill them up from the bottom cupboard, of course he has to sample something so off I go for a chair to climb on and pass it up to him.
He’s not happy about his biscuits right now! As he’s prone to hairballs we decided to try some made especially to help stop them forming. His look said it all ‘I’m not eating them’ and he won’t, he said ‘I’d rather starve’. Walter doesn’t approve either, he too prefers the James Wellbeloved senior they normally have and when we gave in they dramatically crunched a saucer full each we had left from the last bag.
Oh well, the local cat rescues will no doubt appreciate the rejected ones lol and we will have to go and buy more of Walt and Jo’s favourites.
Walter doesn’t ‘help’ in the kitchen at all, he thinks it’s women’s work and that Jozef is crazy for getting involved in kitchen chores. His forte is ‘helping’ to make the beds, I think we all know that chore ends in fun and games when cats are springing out from under the duvet!
Our two will never do this together, they must have some pact since they once tried and a battle ensued which turned quite serious lol
They aren’t ever jealous of each other, just each like ‘their’ time alone with us and we make sure they get it.
At one time we had a beautiful brown tabby called Bryan who had his own high stool in the kitchen and sat there through thick and thin watching whatever we were doing. I think the companionship of cats is wonderful and can’t imagine our home without them around.
Do your cats ‘help’ around the house?
lol I can just imagine Kobe blaming your sister, if he puts a face on like our boyz do when we won’t stop it raining for them.
Monty does love his back yard doesn’t he, bless him.
Well it’s raining here now so our two have both gone to bed, I’d better go and do a sun dance and stop it before they get up again lol