This is a UK cat story. Do you believe it? I don’t want to insinuate that the 80 year victim of a domestic cat attack is lying or embroidering her story but I am sure that we do not have the entire story. The way she describes it and the picture of her face just doesn’t stack up for me.
The Story
Nora Scott, 80, is doing her gardening. She was wearing glasses. A neighbour’s cat, who happens to be black, wanders into her garden, jumps up to her face and attacks her. She is mauled by a domestic cat. Nora is left with two black eyes and some scratches on her face. But the scratches are not that visible in the photo which I publish here under fair use¹. There are some minor punctures. Nora says that “There was blood everywhere…” What from? Two small punctures?
That is the story really. I am very surprised to see two black eyes as if she has been hit – punched – in the face. Could a domestic cat do this when a person is wearing glasses? And why would a cat attack a person in what Nora indicates is a totally unprovoked way? Domestic cats do not make unprovoked attacks on humans. They have to be badly provoked and any attack would be defensive. A domestic would be mad to attack a person. There is no logic to it.
Nora called the police but they won’t do anything about it. The cat’s owner has responded by apologising and has agreed to rehome her cat. Nora wants a law against dangerous cats along the lines of the Dangerous Dogs Act.
The cat has been called a “vicious moggy” by the newspaper that reports the story. Sorry, I don’t believe this story. I know I have trouble believing anything anymore! But this looks wrong to me. I suspect there is a neighbour dispute and Nora wanted to get at her neighbour and fabricated the story. That sounds harsh and may be completely incorrect in which case I would apologise but I have never heard such a fanciful story nor two black eyes being caused by an unprovoked domestic cat attack.
What do you think?
- If the photographer wants payment please contact me – see link in header navigation bar. Thanks.
It looks to me as though she may have fallen down and bruised her eyes because she was wearing glasses, she may have dementia and thought the story was true (I’m trying to be kind) or maybe she’d had a couple of sherries or even maybe she was roughed up by someone and isn’t letting on. The neighbour’s cat is just a convenient cover story for her but how rotten to do that, I’m glad the police took no notice of her. I just think it’s sad that the cat’s owner didn’t stand by the cat and tell her to go and boil her head.
LOL. “Boil her head” made me laugh.
According to the photograph, a pure fabricated story.A ordinary cat can’t do such terrible damage.A cat would normally scratch and run away or just bite.This looks like the lady has been punched by a human and must have made an excuse of being mauled by a cat.After all , animals can’t speak and voice their opinion.First time i have read or come across such a bizarre story.people have been mauled by “Big cats” but never in this manner by a ordinary house cat.There is a manner and a method in telling a lie and this particular narration is a bizarre lie.
Amazing, when I read the story I was in disbelief. She must hate the cat and perhaps the police should rather investigate her. Could be an attempt to explain a domestic – perhaps an aggressive husband? If it’s a facelift, I would sue the surgeon, she doesn’t look any better, and at 80 years (smile)? Can I have this cat, I have nasty neighbours, perhaps the owners can ‘rent’ him/her out to get them to move.
LOL..your comment made me smile …I like your thought too that she may have been hit by her husband 🙂 Sorry mustn’t laugh. In fact the black eyes look very much like the consequences of being punched. It is a case of domestic violence not a cat attack. Or perhaps she just had a little bit too much to drink one evening and fell over face first. Just speculating. I think you have to because this is not a cat attack. Leave that cat alone please!
I don’t for one moment believe this story, that woman looks as if she’s been punched in the face. If a cat had gone for her face she’d have put her hands up to defend her eyes and her hands and arms would have been scratched and bitten.
No wonder the police wouldn’t do anything about the cat! But they should have been looking into who did this to her and put her up to a cover story.
If I was that cat’s caretaker I’d not rehome my cat I’d move right away from that cat hater as quickly as possible.
No way. I think she got a facelift and fabricated the bizarre story to cover up. Sorry if I’m wrong ma’am, but something is fishy.
That is a good idea dw. Never thought of that. It does look like she has had a bit of work around her eyes. I shouldn’t be too unkind but something is wrong and it is obvious so I don’t know why the newspaper published the story.
Lol – I’d be hard pressed to give a person wearing glasses 2 black eyes myself. A cat couldn’t do it. She’s clearly a nut job and you are probably right about it being a personal matter which doesn’t involve the cat. Or she doesn’t like the cat in her garden – that could well be it. The fact that the owner offers to rehome the cat is a little shocking to me.
Good, I am pleased you agree. It is hard to believe things with so many half truths on the internet and in the newspapers.