Tabby Cat Camouflage

I just took these photos. It shows the tabby coat as camouflage. I like to see the original tabby cat in nature. This hints at the wildcat ancestor. I like that. Long grass is probably one type of environment that the African/Asian wildcat – the domestic cat ancestor –  has to hide in but there are others. I just like the feel of the photos.


Cat coats tabby and tabby cat picture.




18 thoughts on “Tabby Cat Camouflage”

  1. The 11×14″ prints, I meant. For ‘adoption?’ [Sorry, I’m not trying to be stupid; just have a very difficult time articulating.]

  2. Wish that you could move her with you. Could you print some 11×14’s and then let me figure out how to do the page to offer them for adoption?

    The brindling and the grasses are just so much to absorb. My eyes get teary, just to see that beauty on a silly laptop screen. I want to have them on my wall, b&w or colour. Michael, she/he reminds me so much of my Oliver (Muckaluck’s mom).

  3. Michael she is wonderful – I would have to guess you are going to be very sad and concerned for her when you move to your new place. Maybe you can go back and visit her – she will have to get used to you not being there. One day she will come to your door and a totally different person will be there and I guess it will be a bit of a shock. I hope the new people are cat friendly. I hope they aren’t cat unfriendly because she will likely come and meow at them asking for you. Just at a guess. I suspect that’s what will happen.

    Camouflage and tabby cats it amazing. You really can’t see them. I’ve seen it many times with a tabby in the long grass or justin the nature and they just blend in so well it’s uncanny. They are lovely photos. Sorry to be so gloomy about her (she’s a girl right?) she’s such a beautiful cat and even on civil terms with Charlie – maybe she could go with you. I hope she has a nice life where she lives.

  4. She might be staying at home today, the weather here in the west is cold and wet.

    We have a visiting cat. He’s lovely, very well cared for, lives with four other cats, his owner is a gem, she adores her cats and is convinced that he would never have anything to do with any human who he hasn’t been introduced to in his own home. He’s fat as butter, has a collar and bell. I call him Tabby Tinkler. He visits twice a day most days. He’s been doing this for over two years.

    He’s great friends with my two. Comes in through the cat flap, plays with the boys, their toys and schlurps up any left over cat milk with relish.

    It took him up until about 4 months ago to allow himself to be touched. Now he lets me pick him up, fuss him etc. But his owner doesn’t know this!

    I don’t feed him, but as he wends his way on patrol around the home, he finds the two treat feeder balls and happily empties them. I don’t always pick them up in time.

    When TT stopped coming around for six weeks in the winter I was very worried. I needn’t have been. I think he and his fellow family felines must have been in a cattery whilst humans were off somewhere else. He turned up again one day, behaved normally, acted like he owned the place etc.

    I hope your girl turns up soon. I bet she’s at home, nice and snug.

  5. She might be a little down due to a recent sedation or anaesthetic

    Very good point Jane. Or, as you say, she is on medication. She is still very loving and likes her tuna 😉 She has not come today. Her “owner” must wonder what happens to her as she stays around her for ages.

  6. She might be a little down due to a recent sedation or anaesthetic, feeling a bit yuck due to a medication or a bit fed up from the visit to the vet. Gerry gets a little down, whenever he visits the vet, even if it’s just for a check up. He did spend six weeks living at the vet when he was dumped there (in a terrible state) and he has gone through a lot of treatment to get him fit and hearty again. So I just take extra care with him for a few days after and he seems to get back to his normal self a bit quicker.

    I hope this lovely tabby girl soon perks up. It looks like a wonderful hunting ground for her amidst the grasses.

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