The Articles of Elisa Black-Taylor

Elisa Black-Taylor
Until September 7th I will give 10 cents to an animal charity for every comment. It is a way to help animal welfare without much effort at no cost. Comments help this website too, which is about animal welfare.

July 30th 2010
: Elisa has been a regulator contributor for some time. The articles of Elisa Black-Taylor are well received, informative and above all support the rights of the vulnerable companion animal. In short her thoughts are inline with those of this website.

Click here to go to Elisa’s articles

Elisa is a professional member of the Cat Writers Association (CWA). She is a consummate cat lover and specializes on articles about animal welfare and rights. I see her as a feisty upstanding women with the values of a bygone age – hence the photo!

Please allow time for the Articles of Elisa Black-Taylor on this page to gradually build. Elisa is a busy person.

Here is a brief selection of some of her articles:

Kids Killing Cats

Satanic Cults and Cats

American Soldiers In Iraq Find Comfort In CatsHeaven Arrives In Irving, Texas

Blind Cat Rescue and Sanctuary

Ohio Is Tired Of Animal Cruelty

Please see links to more here (on a new page) and here (on this page)

Here is a little autobiography of this enigmatic lady:

Elisa Black Taylor is an empathic writer who uses her God given gift to write about animal rights. She first became aware of this gift at age 10 and spent many years ignoring her calling.

Her mother was highly empathic and her grandmother was a Cherokee medicine woman blessed with the gift of “talking out” fire. Elisa’s only gift is being able to reach out to a reader and talk about her favorite subject: cats and dogs.

Elisa never knows what subject she will report on next. Her gift allows her to surf the internet for animal causes to support. Each topic is as much of a surprise to her as to her readers. Articles flow freely from her mind to the computer once a topic is deemed as important and necessary. Her main subjects include strengthening animal cruelty laws and channeling ideas to raise money for the world’s many animal charities.  Her greatest joy is discovering an idea that can be used worldwide to generate the money needed to improve animal treatment.

Elisa’s goal is to educate and entertain. And to spread the truth of how badly animals are treated in our so called civilized society. She balances animal abuse with charity benefits that help build shelters and educate pet owners. Her hobbies include reading, herbal medicine, tapestry and genealogy. Elisa is a widow and lives happily with a houseful of pets.

She is very grateful for the support of everyone at Elisa can be reached at

What Elisa Has Said:

Intubation Tubes Used On Cats For Pediatric Medicine Training  starstarstarstarstar
Intubation tubes are being inserted into cats at the University of Virginia
for the purpose of pediatric medicine training. I couldn’t believe this story …

Our Car Fan Blade Injured Cat Sealy Had Surgery  starstarstarstarstar
Our car fan blade injured cat Sealy had surgery on Wednesday morning. We’d tried
for over two months to heal his open wound caused by a car fan blade….

Fat Cat MEOW Has Died  starstarstarstarstar
Fat cat MEOW has died. I wrote the story of this amazing overweight cat a few weeks ago as those at the Sante Fe Humane Society and Animal Shelter worked …

Reward For Feral Kitten Killer In Ronkonkoma, New York  starstarstarstarstar
Two litters of a colony of feral kittens were killed last week near Veterans Memorial Highway and Sycamore Avenue in Ronkonkoma, New York. There’s at least …

Do Declawed Cats Have Food Issues?  starstarstarstarstar
Do declawed cats have food issues? By this, I mean do they take less pleasure from their food or refuse to eat more than the bare minimum necessary to …

Furby’s Dictionary By Cats And For Cats  starstarstarstarstar
Hi everybody! It’s Furby! I’m putting together a dictionary of words used by cats and their human servants and I need some help. I’m going to tell you …

A Tale Of Felines And Felons  starstarstarstarstar
This is a tale of felines and felons. It’s the new brainchild of the Larch Correctional Facility in Tacoma, Washington where shelter cats are being paired …

I Adopted Your Grieving Cat  starstarstarstarstar
I adopted your grieving cat last week. You said you couldn’t care
for her any longer because of your health. Your cat would have been better off with you …

Fat Cat Goes On A Diet  starstarstarstarstar
“Meow” is a 39 pound cat recently turned into an animal shelter in Sante Fe, New Mexico by his 87 year old elderly owner. She could no longer care
for …

Declawing Vets Are Everywhere In The U.S.  starstarstarstarstar
I hate to address the issue of declawing vets being everywhere in the U.S. I want to explain to the readers worldwide what we in small town America face …

Were Mother Cat And Her Kittens Deliberately Set On Fire?  starstarstarstarstar
I have a case I’ve been working on and haven’t gotten the full story. In the meantime, I’d like to present what I’ve learned and I ask you, the reader,…

My Rescue Cat With The Saddest Face  starstarstarstarstar
We rescued ANOTHER declawed cat on Friday. We didn’t make the decision to adopt Saber because she was declawed. I’ll explain that in a moment.

Saber …

Social Media Pet Identity Theft  starstarstarstarstar
Hi everybody! It’s Furby! Today I want to talk about social media pet identity theft. Human critters, you need to leave the room because this story is …

Do Your Cats Have Human Names?  starstarstarstarstar
Do your cats have human names? According to recent studies, what you name your cat reflects your personality as much as your cat’s. Experts say the reason …

How To Heal An Open Wound  starstarstarstarstar
I feel I’ve had a crash course in how to heal an open wound in dealing with our car fan blade injured cat Sealy. I want to share some of what I’ve learned …

Pet Trust Funds  starstarstarstarstar
Pet trust funds are just one more way the world is changing on how we view our pets. Once thought of as a rich persons eccentricities, pet trust funds …

Do You Have Cat Grandkids?  starstarstarstarstar
Do any of you have cat grandkids? There’s a whole new generation of cat grandparents out there and we want the world to know we’re not ashamed of the title….

Caboodle Ranch Owner Speaks Out  starstarstarstarstar
Caboodle Ranch owner Craig Grant spoke out on Tuesday concerning charges against him in the February 27 raid at Caboodle Ranch.

It was on this date …

Confessions Of A Facebook Cat Lady  starstarstarstarstar
I call this article “Confessions Of A Facebook Cat Lady” because that’s what I am. There are also Facebook dog, horse and rabbit people on Facebook. I’…

Internal Infections In Cats  starstarstarstarstar
I wanted to write about internal infections in cats to inform everyone of a potentially deadly mistake we almost made with our cat Sealy.

Sealy has …

Priests Allow Cats To Remain  starstarstarstarstar
The priests at St. James Parrish in lower Manhattan (Chinatown area), New York, have come to an agreement with the caregivers who care
for the eight feral …

Update On Priests Starving Cats  starstarstarstarstar
Here’s the latest update on priests starving cats at St. James Parrish in lower Manhattan. My original story can be found at Priests Starving Cats (opens …

My Cat Saved My Unborn Child  starstarstarstarstar
“My Cat Saved My Unborn Child” is a true story and today is the 29th anniversary of when this took place.

All of my online friends know my daughter …

An Update On Our Car Fan Blade Injured Cat  starstarstarstarstar
I just wanted to give everyone an update on our car fan blade injured cat Sealy. It’s been a little over a month since we brought him home. It’s hard to …

Toothless Cats  starstarstarstarstar
I write this article in praise of toothless cats. I feel I have a lot of knowledge to share with the readers here as I now have three toothless cats. Except …

Do Cats Guard Their Injured?  starstarstarstarstar
Do cats guard their injured? I’ve found myself asking this question as all of my cats appear to be guarding our injured boy Sealy. Here’s his story
for …

Cat Personalities  starstarstarstarstar
I’ve been asked by Michael to do an in-depth article describing cat personalities based on my rescue experience. There are many out there who shun the …

Priests Starving Cats  starstarstarstarstar
I’ve entitled this article Priests Starving Cats to inform the readers here of a situation going on at St. James Parrish in Manhattan, NY. St. Josephs …

Cats Wearing Clothes  starstarstarstarstar
For those readers who haven’t noticed, there are a lot of cats wearing clothes these days. Their photos can be found on various websites as they model …

Cat Servants Of Twilight  starstarstarstarstar
I’ve titled this article “Cat Servants Of Twilight” to give it a Dean Koontz feeling. He’s one of my favorite authors and this title fits perfectly into …

Florida No-Kill Bill SB818  starstarstarstarstar
Since the raid on Caboodle Ranch a few weeks ago there’s been a lot of talk about Florida’s No-Kill Bill SB818. This bill, proposed by Senator Mike Bennett,…

Our Cats Survived A House Fire!  starstarstarstarstar
It was this past Thursday around 5 p.m., our cats survived a house fire. The fire started from a stove we don’t even use and our smoke detector didn’t …

PETA Investigation Shuts Down Caboodle Ranch  starstarstarstarstar
A five month undercover investigation by PETA of Caboodle Ranch, located in Madison County, Florida, has led to charges being of animal cruelty and neglect …

Treating a Cat with a Car Fan Blade Injury  starstarstarstarstar
A car fan blade and cats make
for a deadly combination. Back in November I did an article here titled Car Fan Blade Dangers . This weekend is my first …

Friendship Between Cats  starstarstarstarstar
I love to observe the cats at Furby’s House. It’s very much a study in cat psychology. I’ve noticed something unusual happening over the past six months …

Elisa’s Update on Cocoa  starstarstarstarstar
Today I wanted to give everyone a lighthearted story about what it’s like to live with a toothless declawed cat.

Since many of you fell in love with …

Cat Trapping  starstarstarstarstar
I’d like
for everyone reading this to take a good look at the picture I’m using
for this article on cat trapping. This poor soul, who is a 2-4 year old …

Declawing Efforts Buried Under Bad Economy  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. While it isn’t my intention to give all of you a major headache with today’s topic, I can almost guarantee you’ll have one by the …

A No-Kill Shelter Problem  starstarstarstarstar
There’s a no-kill shelter problem I’ve just been made aware of and I’d like to share it with the readers here.

I’m a big advocate of no-kill shelters….

Fostering Cats and Kittens  starstarstarstarstar
Today I’d like to give everyone an insider’s view on fostering cats and also update everyone on our young senior cat Mia.

The two stories are actually …

Super Bowl Doritos Commercial  starstarstarstarstar
One thing that may be considered more famous than the Super Bowl in the U.S. is the Super Bowl commercials. For many, the commercials are more important …

Our Young Cat Is A Senior Cat!  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. I have a serious situation going on at the moment and I’d like to ask your opinion on how you would handle this if it happened to …

In Bread Cats  starstarstarstarstar
The first I heard on in bread cats was in a personal email a few months ago. I thought the spelling was incorrect and I’d be seeing some poor deformed …

Cat Rescue Adoptions  starstarstarstarstar
Cat rescue adoptions handled through a legitimate cat rescue are very different than going to your local shelter. The cost to adopt a cat is usually …

My Personal Shelter Tips  starstarstarstarstar
This article about my personal shelter tips concerns cats but the same principles will naturally apply to all animals. I realized that the best advice …

Misty And Her Declawed Paw Ulcer  starstarstarstarstar
Hi everybody! It’s Misty here again. I just wanted to give everyone an update on my life as a declawed cat.

I’ve got a boo-boo on my front paw. Sissy …

Our Ghost Kitten  starstarstarstarstar
Hi everybody! It’s Midnight Munchkin Whineybutt here! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m the adopted daughter of Furby and the sole survivor of the …

I Have An FIV Positive Cat  starstarstarstarstar
I have an FIV positive cat and his name is Tom.

This week marks his one year anniversary of leaving death row at the shelter in Greenville, SC where …

Rubber Band Cat Abuse on Video  starstarstarstarstar
I apologize in advance readers, but I’m about to blow a fuse over the YouTube cat rubber band videos that are finding their way onto the internet.

I …

Underweight Cats  starstarstarstarstar
A cat lover tending to underweight cats has a very delicate job ahead of them. I won’t go into what causes a cat to be malnourished or underweight (Michael …

Feline Focus 3 Vaccine  starstarstarstarstar
Feline Focus 3 is an intraocular/intranasal modified live dose vaccine that protects your cat or kitten against several of the most common viruses in felines,…

A Day In The Life Of A Cat Rescue  starstarstarstarstar
First of all I’d like to thank Michael
for the opportunity to write A Day In The Life Of A Cat Rescue. Sometimes I take it
for granted that all cat lovers …

Lead Paint Poisoning In Cats  starstarstarstarstar
Lead paint poisoning in cats isn’t something we hear much about these days. With improvements made to the paint we use on the exterior and interior of …

Lost Airline Cat George Is Home!  starstarstarstarstar
Lost Airline Cat George is home after being separated
for more than three months from his owner Vanessa Summerfield (See Missing Airline Cat Found Alive …

Homemade Cat Shelter  starstarstarstarstar
The picture shown above of a homemade cat shelter is the brainchild of North Toronto Cat Rescue. From the moment I saw the unique design I decided I had …

Kennel Cough In Cats  starstarstarstarstar
It is with deep regret that I find it necessary to write this article on kennel cough in cats. For those of you who enjoyed the story written earlier in …

The Mother Cat Who Wasn’t  starstarstarstarstar
Bianca the cat and her three kittens, Blaze (a gray muted calico girl), Casper (a white male) and Shimmer (a tortie girl) all ended up in a cage on death …

Are Animal Rights Activists Terrorists?  starstarstarstarstar
First of all I’d like to say I don’t normally involve myself in U.S. politics. When I learned the FBI can now charge animal activists with terrorism, I …

Missing Airline Cat Found Alive  starstarstarstarstar
George the missing airline cat has been found alive almost three months to the day after his disappearance on September 23. He’s in good condition considering …

Potential Purina One Cat Food Problem  starstarstarstarstar
This article concerns a potential Purina ONE® cat food problem.

Purina ONE® cat food had its most voluntary recall back in the summer. Here’s an article …

Bad Animal Shelters  starstarstarstarstar
Bad animal shelters can be found all over the country. From my guess, this isn’t just in the U.S., but worldwide.

The idea
for this article came from …

Service Cats  starstarstarstarstar
I began wondering why service cats are never mentioned as there have been so many articles making the news this month about service dogs
for returning …

Cat Rescues Are Struggling  starstarstarstarstar
Cat rescues are struggling. The economy is horrible and unemployment is high despite what the numbers show. Many cat rescues I’ve spoken with are in danger …

Cat Lost On Alaska Airlines Flight!  starstarstarstarstar
Another airline cat has gone missing. I just got off of the phone with Bonnie Folz, who is coordinating a search
for a cat lost on an Alaska Airlines flight …

George Lost At Edmonton Airport Not Dead!  starstarstarstarstar
George the cat, who was lost at Edmonton International and later reported as found frozen to death, may still be alive. News released on December 2 stated …

Emotional Problems Of Declawed Cats  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Today I’d like to talk to you about the emotional problems of declawed cats.

I chose this aspect of declawing to counter those …

Car Fan Blade Dangers  starstarstarstarstar
With winter upon us, I felt it necessary to warn everyone about car fan blade dangers. It’s not the only place a cat may hide, but it’s one of the most …

Can Cats See Ghosts?  starstarstarstarstar
Can Cats See Ghosts? I’d like to stress this article also covers spirits, demons, angels and any other supernatural or spiritual entity and includes dogs …

Lost Airline Cat Dead  starstarstarstarstar
Readers, it is with deep regret that I must report another lost airline cat is dead after being mishandled by an airline. His name was George and he was …

Furby’s House Website  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning everyone. Today’s article is going to be a bit long-winded. I plan to talk about something I haven’t spent much time discussing in the past….

Thanksgiving Treats For Pets  starstarstarstarstar
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Today I’d just like to offer a few simple Thanksgiving treats that are safe
for our pets. Most of you already know these and …

Bionic Cat  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Today I’d like to tell you about the world’s first bionic cat. Oscar is a green-eyed black cat who lost his legs to a combine harvester …

Curious Cat Story  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers – the curious cat story..are you curious! Today I’d like to share a few stories about cats who let curiosity get the best of them….

November Is Adopt A Senior Cat Month  starstarstarstarstar
November is Adopt A Senior Cat Month. As a cat lover, I’ve always preached the benefits of adopting an older cat. I love it that I can see the personality …

Proposal For Jack The Cat’s Law  starstarstarstarstar
Jack the Cat’s tragic death due to alleged (and I use that word loosely) negligence by American Airlines has led many to push
for a proposal called Jack …

Jack The Cat Has Died  starstarstarstarstar
Dear readers, it is with a heavy heart that I must report Jack the Cat has died over the weekend. He has joined all of our beloved cats on the Rainbow …

Update On Jack The Cat  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Here’s an update on Jack the Cat on his long road to recovery. From the way things look as I write this, Jack may be the most famous …

Misty And Cocoa Are Both Declawed  starstarstarstarstar
Misty and Cocoa are both declawed. They were declawed before I rescued them and both have decided to tell the story of how being a declawed cat led to …

American Airlines Lost Cat Jack Is Found  starstarstarstarstar
Jack the Cat, who gained worldwide attention after being lost while in the care of American Airlines, has been found!!

I’ve followed this story from …

Escaped Lions, Tigers and Cheetahs killed  starstarstarstarstar
It’s a sad week in the big cat world as tigers, cheetahs and lions were killed by sheriff’s deputies armed with assault rifles.

This occurred in Zanesville,…

Rent A Cat  starstarstarstarstar
“Thank you
for calling Rent A Cat, may I help you?”

“Yes, this is Elisa Taylor. I have the weekend off and I’d like to rent Suzy
for the whole weekend …

Cat Euthanized Twice And Survived  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Today I’d like to tell you about a cat who was euthanized twice and survived.

A cat on death row at the West Valley City Animal …

Cats Spray Painted And Set On Fire  starstarstarstarstar
Two teens have been charged with two counts of animal cruelty in Honea Path, SC
for spray painting and setting fire to the tails of two cats. The abuse …

World’s Oldest Two-Faced Cat  starstarstarstarstar
A 12-year old two-faced cat from Worchester, Massachusetts named Frank and Louie was recently entered into the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’…

Dog Nursing Kittens  starstarstarstarstar
My Maltese mix Darla is nursing a litter of six kittens! We’ve been feeding the mother outside
for awhile and now have the mother inside with them. Which …

In Memory of Dexter the Kitten  starstarstarstarstar
I write this article in memory of Dexter the kitten, who in his short life became an inspiration
for survival and hope.

For those of you who haven’t …

Man Gets Probation For Killing Kitten  starstarstarstarstar
A friend of mine emailed me yesterday along with the article “Man Gets Probation For Killing Kitten In Tavern.” I immediately knew the case as I’ve followed …

Drug Resistant Bacteria Found In Veterinary Hospitals  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Today’s topic is drug resistant bacteria found in veterinary hospitals. I recently received an email stating E.coli was found in …

The Cats of 9/11  starstarstarstarstar
Today I’d like to talk about the cats of 9/11. On the eve of the 10th anniversary of the worst day in American history during my lifetime, I’d like to …

Laser Declawing Is Wrong Too!  starstarstarstarstar
Hi everybody! It’s Furby and I’m here to tell you laser declawing is wrong too!

My sweet Auntie Ruth sent me a story about a vet in the Simi Valley …

Cat Adoptions  starstarstarstarstar
I had planned to do some research into cat adoptions being down this year, but decided to use an editorial approach instead. Mainly because we all know …

Are Black Cats Healthier?  starstarstarstarstar
This morning as I sat and stared at our three month old black kitten Midnight, I found myself asking the question “are black cats healthier?”

My memory …

Update On 700 Cats Seized  starstarstarstarstar
This is an update on the 700 cats seized from Haven Acres Cat Sanctuary in Alachua County, Florida back in June of 2011.


An Update On Midnight Whineybutt  starstarstarstarstar
I just wanted to give everyone an update on Midnight “Rocky” Whineybutt, or Munchkin, as I call him. As most of you who have kept up with his story know,…

Cats With Human Expressions  starstarstarstarstar
I’ve titled this article cats with human expressions, although that’s not completely accurate at what I’m getting at. Cats with human faces would be more …

Millionaire’s Son Is An Alleged Cat Killer  starstarstarstarstar
A millionaire’s son is an alleged cat killer in the Baltimore, Maryland area. Readers, if sick, twisted individuals make you sick, please stop reading …

To My Wonderful Godfather Michael  starstarstarstarstar
Hi Godfather Michael! It’s Furby! I’m sorry I’ve been away from the puter but mama won’t give it to me very often these days. I made the bad mistake of …

Girl Charged In Woodpecker-Cat Incident  starstarstarstarstar
An 11 year old girl and her mother,
for a while, unjustly faced the full force of US law in a woodpecker-cat incident. I realize this isn’t exactly a cat …

Panleuk or Feline Distemper  starstarstarstarstar
Good day readers. The subject today is panleuk or feline distemper (Feline Panleukopenia virus). This is the saddest, most horrible and confusing story …

Why do cats prefer certain people?  starstarstarstarstar
This article is discussion about why cats prefer certain people and the sometimes unpredictable decisions a cat will make on who (s)he chooses as that …

Cat Names  starstarstarstarstar
Good day readers. Today I’d like to talk about cat names and the important decision on what to name your cat. This is one of the most important decision …

My Deaf Cat Annabelle Had An Accident  starstarstarstarstar
My deaf white cat Annabelle had an accident on Wednesday morning. It happened in the kitchen and the entire event is still unbelievable. I’m a good cat …

An Update On My Kittens  starstarstarstarstar
First of all I’d like to say this article may not be as organized as I would like. Tonight my Annabelle is in pain from a possible broken leg and that’…

Domestic Abuse and Pets  starstarstarstarstar
Domestic abuse and pets is a subject that really flares my temper. I’ve lived through it. I’ve watched friends go through it. And I can tell you it’s a …

Mycoplasma in Cats  starstarstarstarstar
I’d never heard of Mycoplasma in cats until a reader wrote in about this article and suggested mycoplasma as a cause of death (see: Help Sudden Kitten …

A Plea From Cat Fosterers And Rescuers  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Today I’d like to make a plea from cat fosterers and rescuers everywhere. I’m really depressed and I don’t believe I’m the only one …

Delaware Companion Animal Protection Act  starstarstarstarstar
The Delaware Companion Animal Protect Act (DCAPA) was passed last summer (2010) and was the first such Act to ratify our nation’s constitution.

I’ve …

Music For Cats And July 4th Fireworks  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Music
for cats is going to be one of those fun stories where we can share thoughts and ideas on ways to entertain our cats when we …

HELP! Sudden Kitten Death!  starstarstarstarstar
I don’t know if I’ve titled this correctly, but I certainly need help. Let me explain what’s going on.

We adopted little Lilo on June 6th. Here’s …

The Right To Keep Cats  starstarstarstarstar
I’m calling this article The Right To Keep Cats because it will discuss the right of every cat owner to keep cats vs. a neighborhood’s right to limit the …

Surrendering Your Cat  starstarstarstarstar
You may be under the impression that surrendering your cat to the local shelter will be the beginning of a whole new life with a wonderful loving family….

We Rescued A Deaf White Cat  starstarstarstarstar
We rescued a deaf white cat last week. Her name is Annabelle and she should be dead.

Let me explain. Earlier the previous week my daughter and I decided …

Rescuing Feral Cats  starstarstarstarstar
My rescuing feral’s adventure really began on June 7 when I arrived at GCAC in Greenville, SC where I rescue off of their euthanasia list. I was there …

Teens Shooting Cats  starstarstarstarstar
Teens shooting cats is a subject I had really hoped I wouldn’t have to report on this summer. Sadly, I was mistaken.

Here’s the situation and I have …

At Least 700 Cats Seized  starstarstarstarstar
This article is about at least 700 cats seized in Alachua County, Florida. The Humane Society of the U.S. is in the process of conducting the largest raid …

My Most Stressful Cat Rescue Yet  starstarstarstarstar
The family of kittens I rescued on June 6 has been the most stressful of all of my rescues. Not only was I racing against the clock to reach them before …

Cats Need Claws To Play!  starstarstarstarstar
Cats need claws to play. You’d think this would fall into the common sense category. Unfortunately, many people don’t have the brain capacity to watch …

Review Of Cat Trees And SmartCat Bootsie Bunk Bed  starstarstarstarstar
Today I’d like to do a review of cat trees and SmartCat Bootsies Bunk Bed.

I recently purchased all three products with a nice donation sent from one …

Flea Products For Cats  starstarstarstarstar
Flea products
for cats would seem like an easy search to conduct on the internet. After all, there are literally hundreds to choose from. Each product …

Cat’s Ears Cut Off  starstarstarstarstar
Cat’s Ears Cut Off is yet another example of a world gone mad.

My daughter told me just before I left
for work that a dog in Greenville near where …

Claws Are A Cat’s Defense!  starstarstarstarstar
Claws are a cats defense and after reading this story I challenge anyone to disagree with this. The cat in this article protected itself with it’s claws!…

Cats Need Claws To Walk!  starstarstarstarstar
Cats need claws to walk in much the same context as birds need wings to fly.

I did the following video as a project when a reader of pictures-of-cats….

My White Angora Rescue  starstarstarstarstar
Today I’d like to tell the readers about my white Angora rescue.

Good morning readers. I’m now the proud mama to two six month old female Angora cats …

Review of Booda Dome Cleanstep Catbox  starstarstarstarstar
I seldom do product reviews, but the Booda Dome Cleanstep Catbox by Booda is the newest convenience addition in my home.

My Furby may look like a …

A Sad Declawed Cat Moment  starstarstarstarstar
Today I’d like to tell everyone of a sad declawed cat moment I witnessed a few days ago.

For those of you who don’t know, my death row rescue Cocoa …

Second Veterinarian Opinion  starstarstarstarstar
Please get a second veterinarian opinion on your cat if you don’t like what a vet is telling you.

The first picture is of my young daughter and a stray …

Cocoa Had Blood Work Today  starstarstarstarstar
Cocoa had blood work today at the vet. To catch up on my big guy, please see this article .

Cocoa went back to the Electric City Veterinary Clinic …

Help For Pets Lost In Alabama Tornadoes  starstarstarstarstar
There is a lot of help out there
for pets lost in the April 27, 2011 tornadoes that hit Tuscaloosa, Alabama and other areas of the southeast U.S.

This …

How To Feed A Cat Who Can’t Eat  starstarstarstarstar
How to feed a cat who can’t eat….Hmm. I was hesitant on whether to make that the title or “How To Feed A Cat Who WON’T Eat.” After almost a week of syringe …

Bad Vet Experience  starstarstarstarstar
Bad vet experience. Those are three words that make me cringe. This is going to be a long one, dear readers. Then I want you to share any bad vet experiences …

Cats Who Love Boxes  starstarstarstarstar
This story is dedicated to those of us who have cats who love boxes. I’m sure MANY cat lover’s have cats who can’t resist the charm of a good old-fashioned …

An Update On Cocoa And A Cat With My Name  starstarstarstarstar
First of all, I’d like to give everyone an update on Cocoa. Then I’ll tell the readers here about a cat with my name.

Cocoa is doing well as far as …

Cocoa Is Toothless AND Declawed!  starstarstarstarstar
My poor rescued cat Cocoa is toothless and declawed! Readers, I hope I can write this without breaking anything nearby or having another crying fit. Please …

Question About A Cat Losing Teeth  starstarstarstarstar
I have a question about my cat’s teeth. Or should I say lack of teeth.

“Tooth” is a beautiful Snowshoe mix I rescued on Friday from the GCAC in Greenville,…

Logan Airport and Pets Who Fly  starstarstarstarstar
I’m calling this article Logan Airport and Pets Who Fly. The information I’m giving you covers both dogs and cats and I thought it worthy of a story as …

Cats Killing Kittens  starstarstarstarstar
Cats killing kittens is a more complicated topic than many of us have been led to believe. I’m sure if you’re approaching middle age (as many of us are)…

Cat Tries To Wake Up Dead Friend  starstarstarstarstar
Cat Tries To Wake Up Dead Friend is the title of a YouTube video that is guaranteed to make you cry.

Please stop reading and move on to another article …

Another Cat Rescue  starstarstarstarstar
Today I’m here to tell you I did another cat rescue.

Good morning readers. I hadn’t planned on rescuing any more cats off of the GCAC euthanasia list….

Do Cats Need Pain Medicine After Neutering?  starstarstarstarstar
Do cats need pain medicine after spay/neutering? I really need your input on this one readers. Also on the time to feed a pet after the surgery.

Let …

Are You A Cat Sniffer?  starstarstarstarstar
I can tell a cat’s life history by smelling him or her! Good morning readers. This is going to be another fun article and it’s on the topic of cat body …

DNA Evidence Used In Cat Abuse Case  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. For some reason this case of cat abuse is bringing a slight smile to my face. Not because of the crime against a cat, mind you. I’…

At What Age Should A Cat Be Spayed Or Neutered?  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning everyone. Today I’d like to talk about a subject I’m right in the middle of at this time. On Wednesday, April 6, my 5 month old girls Mandy …

Zip Tie Cat Torture Case  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. You know, it never ceases to amaze me at the ways people come up with to torture cats . I’ve titled this article the Zip Tie Cat …

Cat Sanctuary  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. I need both your opinion and your advice on my cat sanctuary.

One of my Facebook friends sent me a message insinuating it’s …

How Do Cats Choose Cat Friends?  starstarstarstarstar
Good day readers. I’m sorry this isn’t an article on how cats choose their cat friends. I need help and the internet has very little to offer me on this …

Can Cats Tell Time?  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. I got the idea
for this article after reading Michael’s story Leaving A Cat Home Alone . I believe the length of time I’d leave …

Man Not Charged In Cat Suffocation Case  starstarstarstarstar
Here we go again readers. Another case of cat abuse when the abuser literally got away with murder
for suffocating three cats with ether.

The man …

imikimi  starstarstarstarstar
Imikimi is a website where people can have fun being creative. And this is going to be a really fun story. I’ve been using this website
for a couple …

Morris Animal Foundation  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. I received information on a few research projects the Morris Animal Foundation is conducting and wanted to share it with the readers …

Hoarders Keeping Cats In Hotel Rooms  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. As all of you know, I do rescue from the Greenville County Animal Care Services shelter in Greenville, SC. They have brought it to …

Animal Rescue Superhighway  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Today I’d like to share some good news with the readers at PoC and tell everyone about Animal Rescue Superhighway located in Steubenville,…

Accidental Ways To Kill A Cat  starstarstarstarstar
Today I received an email from a friend who did the unthinkable. She killed her one year old cat. It wasn’t intentional. Her cat did what a lot of exploring …

These Three Cats Were Almost Euthanized  starstarstarstarstar
Shirley, Sheela and Twist were rescued on March 10 after spending the past two weeks in cat jail. I hadn’t planned on rescuing Twist. It just kind of worked …

Feral Friends and Cat Killers  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning everyone. It is with great distress that I have to write this story about Feral Friends of Greene County(Tennessee) and cat killers. I had …

Man Who Hanged Cat Still Free  starstarstarstarstar
I don’t know what else to say except the release of a Brisbane, Australia man who hanged a cat and bragged about it is still out of jail and I’m furious!…

Cat Ladder  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. You won’t need any tissue
for this story as it’s a happy tale (excuse the pun). Today I want to talk about the cat ladder.

Every …

Cats Seized At Sacred Vision Animal Sanctuary  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. I’ve been sitting on the case I’m about to tell you of since September 2010. I decided not to inform the readers at pictures-of-cats….

Animal Abuse In Washington, D.C.  starstarstarstarstar
Good day readers. Today I’d like to ask you a question. What do you think of when you hear Washington, D.C.? If you’re like most people, you probably think …

Worst Animal Abuse Case Ever!  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. I almost decided not to write this story as it is easily the worst animal abuse case ever. Maybe that’s an exaggeration, maybe not….

Cat Torturer Given Light Sentence  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. This is an update on a case that made national news back in September about a cat who was shot thirty times then tossed into McKay …

Misty Was Declawed Then Thrown Away  starstarstarstarstar
On Tuesday (22nd Feb 2011) I rescued a very special cat named Misty. I hadn’t planned on another rescue so soon after Lily, but Misty’s information made …

Videotaping Your Dying Cat  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Today I have a good discussion planned on a very touchy subject. The idea
for this article, which I’ve entitled Videotaping Your …

An Update On Our Nine Death Row Rescues  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. I thought I’d spread a little happy news today and give everyone an update on my nine red-listed euthanasia (death row) rescues. I’…

Eight Cats Shot In The Head  starstarstarstarstar
Here we go again, dear readers. Another of the stories I hate having to write but which I hope will bring the person who shot eight cats to justice. Again …

I Rescued A Declawed Cat  starstarstarstarstar
I couldn’t wait
for my own photographs of my newest rescue, Lily. I just have to share this sweet baby with everyone. The picture
for this article is the …

Pets Are Freezing To Death This Year!  starstarstarstarstar
Date: January 2011: Good morning readers. There’s something very harsh about this winter that we haven’t seen here in the U.S. in many years. I have a …

The Problem With Feral Cats In The U.S.  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. This is one of my articles that I guarantee will both make the readers mad and give everyone a headache. As everyone here knows, feral …

Casper The Invisible Kitten  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning everyone. Today I have a story that will leave you laughing and crying at the same time. I want to tell you about my latest rescue, Casper….

Mister Tom’s Rescue  starstarstarstarstar
My third rescue took place five days after a crippling blizzard left Greenville County Animal Care(GCAC) running on a skeleton crew. I was looking over …

Homeless Pet Owners  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. I was looking over new cases
for the day when the story of a homeless person who lost several beloved pets because of a bad situation …

Cat Neuropathy, Phantom Pain and Declawing  starstarstarstarstar
I was having an email conversation last week with declawing advocate Susan when she brought up two facts I haven’t taken into consideration on declawed …

Six Cats Shot And Thrown In Ditch  starstarstarstarstar
My daughter entered the room as I began to write this article about six cats in Wakulla County, Florida who were shot and thrown in a ditch. I told her …

Trinity Acres Rescue and Mandatory Declawing  starstarstarstarstar
Oh boy, dear readers. Just when I think I’ve heard everything there is to hear about declawing in the U.S., I find something new that shocks and sickens …

Greenville County Animal Care Services Urgent List Program  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers (or good afternoon in Europe). Today I’d like to tell you about a program at the [Greenville County Animal Care Services in Greenville,…

Reasons Why People Surrender Their Pets  starstarstarstarstar
The captions to three of the above photos are some examples of why the so called “human race” throw away their loving cats. These are some of the cats …

Dogs vs Cats In My House  starstarstarstarstar
It’s very difficult
for me to discuss the dog/cat issue without shocking everyone ( dogs vs cats ). You see, I’m one of those rare people who believe dogs …

Baby Jesus And The Manger Cat  starstarstarstarstar
There are a lot of nativity scenes in my area this time of year celebrating the birth of Jesus. However, none of them are completely accurate if this story …

Review of Cat Christmas Gifts  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Today I’d like to take a little time out and brag on a few products I’ve purchased
for my cats. At the end of this article I’d like …

Our Christmas Cat Rescue  starstarstarstarstar
Our Christmas euthanasia list cat rescue, which took place last Wednesday, has been an uphill battle. Click on this link to our first cat rescue .

The …

Cat Saves Home From Fire  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. I just read an enlightening cat story about a cat named Pepper and I want to share it with the readers here at….

Hormone Cream Poisoning Cats  starstarstarstarstar
When I received the information in a newsletter about hormone cream poisoning cats, I thought I’d learn about cats actually biting into a tube of estrogen …

Cat Dies In Abandoned House  starstarstarstarstar
This is a very distressing story about a cat who died over the weekend in a abandoned house. I call this “Cat Dies In Abandoned House.” But there are many …

Charges Against Miami-Dade Cat Killer Dropped  starstarstarstarstar
When I began reporting on Tyler Weinman, the Miami-Dade teen charged with the mutilation of a large number of cats, I promised to follow this story through …

Feline Lymphoma and Secondhand Cigarette Smoke  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning everyone…Today I’d like to talk about a study conducted in 2002 concerning feline lymphoma and secondhand cigarette smoke. The information …

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Cats  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Today I’d like to talk about a subject we all need to be aware of, especially with the time of year when the weather is cold. I’…

Shelter Cats Photographed Holding Knives and Cigarettes  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. It’s another bad day in the cat world, and a shelter in Charlotte, NC is once again proving how “sick” some individuals can be. Three …

My First Official Cat Rescue Mission  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. I’ve got a sad and funny story about my new cat rescue role. Let me first say I’ve grown tired of looking at all of the cats on the … Now On Facebook  starstarstarstarstar
It is with great honour that I have set up 2 Facebook pages
for One is a group page and the other is a community page. Both are listed …

PETA Believes Feral Cats Should Be Killed  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. I normally have a lot of good things to say about P.E.T.A (I have used “PETA” in this article as they use that format). People
for …

United States HR5566 Crush Bill Update  starstarstarstarstar
Good day readers….I’d like to start off by saying Michael has done an excellent job in explaining crush videos in a recent article
for pictures-of-…

Kitten Survives 3-Story Fall Inside Microwave  starstarstarstarstar
Good day readers. I have another story of cat abuse, and thankfully survival, to report to you today.

I’d like to tell you about a kitten, named Tostino …

Caboodle Ranch: Cat Heaven Or Cat Hell?  starstarstarstarstar
Good day readers. Today I’d like to initiate a very serious discussion concerning problems allegedly occurring at Caboodle Ranch in Lee, Florida. As you …

Pet Amber Alert and Missing Cat Information  starstarstarstarstar
Today I’d like to discuss the different ways to find a missing cat. These include a service I found online called and also other …

Animal Testing Facts | Product Labelling  starstarstarstarstar
Ruth sent me the link
for this petition and I believe it worthy of a story. Today I want to talk about product labeling
for animal testing and what we …

After Hours Emergency Cat Care  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Today I’d like to talk about another service I hope none of us ever need. After hours emergency cat care. Unfortunately, we are all …

Cat Wheelchair  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Today I’d like to talk about a service we all hope we never need
for our cats: the cat wheelchair or cart
for disabled cats. The …

Woman And Lion: A Love Story  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. This is my first story about a really BIG cat. An African lion . I don’t normally do lions as I know very little about them. I ran …

Hillside Haven Cat Sanctuary  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Today is another “good story day”
for the cats. I’m just not ready to go back to all of the bad news in the cat world.

I’d like …

Cat and Baby Precautions  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Today I’d like to address one of the main reasons the family cat is turned into a shelter. A new baby is joining the family and the …

Man Wanted Kittens As Dinner  starstarstarstarstar
Dear readers, I truly apologize
for writing this story so close on the heels of the other horrible news I’ve had to report this week. I fear my page will …

Miami-Dade Cats Found Mutilated, Gutted and Posed: Part 2  starstarstarstarstar
Please see part one if you have come straight to this page.

Tyler Weinman, accused cat killer, will soon be coming to trial
for the alleged murder …

Manteca, California Offers $1000 Reward For Information On Animal Poisonings  starstarstarstarstar
The cat lovers of Manteca, San Joaquin, California have a problem and need your help. They have a serial cat (and dog) killer on the loose and are willing …

Miami-Dade Cats Found Mutilated, Gutted and Posed: Part 1  starstarstarstarstar
Hello everyone. I’m not going to say good because there’s nothing good about today’s story. I’m behind on my writing so I’ll start with the story making …

A New Breed Of Halloween Cat Killer  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Welcome to October. The month in which all cat lovers fear
for their cats. Not only the black ones, it seems.

Today I’m going …

Shelter Workers, PTSD, and Compassion Fatigue  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers…..When I began doing research on those involved in animal euthanasia, whether at the hands of a shelter worker, to those of us …

California Declawing Veto-Another Viewpoint  starstarstarstarstar
[Good morning readers. I’d like to discuss Ab2743 Landlord-Rentor Declawing and Debarking Bill recently vetoed by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger….

I’ve Angered Those Who Believe In Declawing Cats!  starstarstarstarstar
30-90-10 Good morning readers. This is going to be a long one, but it’s necessary to explain what I went through Tuesday night on my Facebook page.


Social Networking Your Cat  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning cat lovers. This is going to be a fun, lighthearted article. And at the end I’d like
for everyone to comment as to where online we can find …

Cat Hanging In Rhode Island  starstarstarstarstar
This is about a case of cat hanging that is unfolding this week (24th Sept 2010) in East Providence, Rhode Island, USA.

To hang a poor helpless cat …

Rocky The Purring Squirrel  starstarstarstarstar
A friend of mine just sent me the idea
for this story, but I’m laughing so hard I’m not sure I can write it! Readers, you’re going to love this one. It’…

Professional Laboratory and Research Services in N.C. must be closed  starstarstarstarstar
There are very few companies I’ve ever seen that moved me to the point of HATE, but Professional Laboratory and Research Services (PLRS) in Corapeake,…

Veterinarians Are Lying About Declawing!  starstarstarstarstar
Morning readers. You’ll notice I didn’t say good today. I’d planned to just read a little on the new laser declawing technique that’s being shoved down …

C & W Rustic Hollow Shelter  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning everyone. Today I’d like to introduce you to C & W Rustic Hollow Shelter in Nashua, Iowa. The reason I’ve chosen them (besides this being …

Animal Testing For Cosmetics  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. I’d like to thank my friends
for giving me the idea
for this article. This is not a cat story or a dog story. I believe they may …

Stray & Feral Cat Rescue  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. I’ve found a really remarkable lady in Eugene, Oregon who operates Stray & Feral Cat Rescue. Her name is Tasha. I’d love to tell …

Sunshine was Declawed and Abandoned  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Today I’d like to tell you of a story that didn’t make the national news.

I doubt if any network would think it important enough,…

Raw Organic Honey and Cats  starstarstarstarstar
Good day everyone. Today I’d like to talk about raw organic honey. Many of you already know the benefits of local honey in fighting allergies. But some …

Coventry Cat Wheelie Bin Case  starstarstarstarstar
Good day readers. Today I’d like a good discussion on the Coventry cat wheelie bin case. I won’t go into a full story on Mary Bale, the Coventry bank worker …

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar and Cats  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. I’d like to tell you about my experience using raw apple cider vinegar on my cats. This differs from white vinegar or the regular …

Delawing, Crossposter, TNR and Transport Advocates Should Work Together  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. I have a lot I’d like to cover with everyone today. Mostly in defending the different causes I support.

Today I’d like to briefly …

Would You Stay Home With A Sick Pet?  starstarstarstarstar
Good day readers. Would you stay home with a sick pet instead of going to work? Today I’d like to share an experience with you and I want comments on …

New Elisa Taylor-Black Readers Forum  starstarstarstarstar
After much consideration I’ve given myself a group page on Facebook. I’d like to invite everyone to join me there. I have a regular page under Elisa Black-…

Feral Cat Coalition and Feral Cat Education  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Here’s one more “good news” article
for all of you. Today I’d like to tell you about a mobile clinic
for feral cats. I’ve chosen …

Cats Rule and The Freedom Train  starstarstarstarstar
The title sounds like a perfect world government and an American western movie, doesn’t it readers? This story is all good and you won’t need Kleenex. Today …

Puppy Mills and Shelter Pets  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. I woke up to this idea when Michael sent me a link to the story about 7 puppies dying in the cargo area of a plane.

This occurred …

Important Micro-chipping Information  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. You’re going on a roller coaster ride with me today. You will need a box of Kleenex.

I feel this story is important because those …

Grandma Moses Saved From Drowning  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning dear readers. No, I haven’t lost my mind-yet. I’d about guarantee the title
for this article got your attention. This is one of those good …

Know Your Neighbors!  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning readers. I call this article “Know Your Neighbors!” Do you really know your neighbors? I’m fortunate in that I do. I know their feelings …

Elisa: Two Solutions To Stop Declawing  starstarstarstarstar
Due to the response of my previous articles and the desire
for me to address the declawing issue, here I am. Going off track
for my readers as requested….

Conduct Disorder Leads to Animal Cruelty  starstarstarstarstar
After reading what felt like the 20th animal cruelty case making the news today, I decided to do some research. My dear readers, you’re going to need a …

Fundraising Ideas From Second Chance Animal Shelter  starstarstarstarstar
August 2010: This is going to be a good read, my friends. It’s full of fundraising ideas being put to use by Second Chance Animal Shelter in Brooksfield,…

Paradise Ranch is Heaven on Earth
for Pets
All I’ll say to my readers before beginning this article is “This is heaven on earth
for cats and dogs!” You won’t need any Kleenex while reading this….

Animal Shelters, Crossposters and Rescue Groups  starstarstarstarstar
In case a few of my readers haven’t noticed, I’ve become involved with a lot of new projects concerning pets. I’d like to explain my goals regarding animal …

Upstate Veterinary Specialists Cancer Hospital  starstarstarstarstar
I’ve located a bit of good news in the world of pets and would love to share it with all of you. Hopefully you will never need this service.

I’d like …

for Tyson and Justice
for Sarge
For those of you not familiar with the Tending
for Tyson case, please read Tending
for Tyson who was kidnapped and shot . before reading this article….

Tending For Tyson Who Was Kidnapped and Shot  starstarstarstarstar
Good morning dear readers. I’m kind of breaking the rules here because this story is about Tyson, a dog from Ohio. The reason I’m crossing over into the …

Pet Death and Pet Funeral  starstarstarstarstar
This is going to be a long one, friends. I hope to offer a lot of information and suggestions on this subject. To prepare
for this read, grab a pot of …

Humanely Euthanize A Cat  starstarstarstarstar
I’m really sorry everyone. The details just showed up on this in my email from one of my pet newsletters and there’s not much time to act. So unfortunately,…

Caboodle Ranch Faces Class Action Lawsuit  starstarstarstar
Caboodle Ranch, located in Lee, Florida and Craig Grant (founder) are now facing a class action lawsuit. Here are the details on what’s happening and how …

New York City Animal Shelters  starstarstarstar
New York City animal shelters, also known as NYCACC, are the worst I’ve ever seen. This includes shelters in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Staten Island.

I …

In Praise Of Black Cats  starstarstarstar
I write this article in praise of black cats and the people who cherish them. Black cats most often are the last selected
for adoption. The same holds …

Cat Feeding Tubes  starstarstarstar
If you’re like me, the words “cat feeding tubes” conjures up images of a cat about to die. Many people associate feeding tubes with a last attempt to prolong …

Raw Cat Meat Diet  starstarstarstar
I’ve had a lot of people asking me about the raw meat cat diet I’m slowly introducing my cats to. Let me first say I began the diet when I saw the difference …

Animal Abuse In Greece  starstarstarstar
Good day readers. Today I’d like to make everyone aware of the animal abuse that goes on in Greece. I didn’t realize until I started researching this article …

Cat Owners Considering Declawing Should Read This  starstarstarstar
Good morning readers. This is an article I hope all cat owner’s will read and pass along to friends. Cat owners considering declawing should read this …

Jail Has Gone To The Cats And Dogs!  starstarstarstar
Good morning readers. I’d like to tell you a story today about a remarkable man in Maricopa County, Arizona. I really hope Hollywood eventually makes …

Caboodle Ranch Is Cat Heaven  starstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Can anyone tell me how many cats are in the photo above? I don’t know, but it’s great to see so many cats together. I’m not sure …

Teen Groups Against Animal Cruelty  starstarstarstar
Good morning readers. I feel the need to spread a little good news today and I’ve found the perfect groups to showcase. I’d like to tell you about [Australian …

North Utah Valley Animal Shelter Sells Pets For Experimental Purpose  starstarstarstar
I personally hate the odds that an animal faces when turned into a shelter. We hear about the adoption to euthanazia ratio and wonder what could possibly …

Animal Abuse and Criminal Domestic Violence  starstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Today I’d like to continue on with another article which I want you to forward to your state government to force a change in animal …

Support No Kill Nation  starstarstarstar
Good morning readers. I don’t think you’ll need Kleenex
for this one. Perhaps a few aspirin as this is one of the subjects where I’ll be leaving everyone …

Cat Survives Muskrat Trap  starstarstarstar
Good morning readers. Today I’d like to tell you the story of Terry, a 5-year old Maine Coon who survived being caught in a muskrat trap.

I’ve chosen …

Update on Sarge and Animal Sanctuaries  starstarstarstar
Good morning readers, This is a long one that I’ve condensed it as much as possible. I’m writing this today because Sarge needs help getting out of his …

Jasper The Napping Cat  starstarstar
I was inspired to write about Jasper the napping cat after reading Ruth’s stories on her cat Jozef . There are times I really wish I were a cat. Especially …

Another NYC Feral Cat Feeding Problem  Not rated yet
Readers, we have another New York City feral cat feeding problem developing. I really don’t understand what’s wrong with people these days. Feral cats …

S.C. Striving For Tougher Animal Abuse Laws  Not rated yet
South Carolina, where I reside, is striving
for tougher animal abuse laws. The legislature has several bills concerning animals set to be voted on in the …

Sunscreen For Cats  Not rated yet
for cats is important during all seasons, not just in the summertime. Especially
for cats who are thin haired, hairless , unpigmented, albino …

A Model Animal Shelter  Not rated yet
Good morning readers. Today I’d like to tell you about a model animal shelter that believes pets are an important and vital part of their community.

The …

Emotional Support Animal  Not rated yet
So you want to get an emotional support animal and don’t know how to begin the process. I’m going to run through the basics and hopefully educate the readers …

Salmonella in Cat Food  Not rated yet
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just announced it will up it’s testing of pet food
for contamination. According to recorded poisoning cases …

Mandatory Animal Cruelty Laws  Not rated yet
An email I received yesterday from created the base
for this article on mandatory animal cruelty laws. It’s one of the most useful sites …

Pet Safety During Hurricane Irene  Not rated yet
Readers in the Eastern U.S. in the path of Hurricane Irene need to read this article on pet safety during Hurricane Irene.

This article is going to …

Panleuk, Parvo and Tamiflu  Not rated yet
Today I want to talk about Panleuk (Feline Panleukopenia), Parvo (Parvovirus) and Tamiflu (Oseltamivir Phosphate).

There are few diseases in the animal …

A Declawed Cat CAN’T Do This!  Not rated yet
A declawed cat can’t do this. At least I don’t believe one can. I was fortunate to capture this video of our first and queen cat Lola opening a new bag …

My Kitchen “Cat Colony”  Not rated yet
My kitchen cat colony is very unique. Just as each of my cats is unique. Yes, dear readers, I now have a cat colony in my kitchen!

This all started …

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