The Twin Towers (Maine Coons)

Here’s a nice little diversion from the routines of the cat world. You probably know that, of all the cat breeds, Maine Coons are the longest. The so called world’s longest domestic cat was the famous Maine Coon named Stewie (sadly, he died of cancer before he should have). I have a feeling that either of the cats on this page could have beaten Stewie to that record.

If you make horizontal length, vertical height, Maine Coons are the tallest domestic cats on the planet if the cat is on his hind legs in the meerkat position.

Long and tall Maine Coon cats
Long and tall Maine Coon cats. Photographs copyright Helmi Flick.

I never cease to be amazed when I see a Maine Coon on his/her hind legs. They become extremely vertical. There is no other domestic cat that stands as tall on hind legs as the Maine Coon. I hope you agree with me when you see this Helmi Flick pictures.

Thanks to Finn Frode, I know that Witchcraft was the Best Female Maine Coon International Lifetime Achievement Award Winner. I am sure Loooong John Henry has won his fair share of awards at cat shows too. He is outstanding.

Witchcraft appears to be a calico cat (tortoiseshell and white) and Long John is a tabby cat.

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