The World’s Shortest Maine Coon Video

At four seconds long, you have no reason not to view it to the end. This is a bit tongue-in-cheek as was a page on the world’s tallest domestic cat (an extra long Maine Coon standing on his hind legs Meerkat style).

The cat is a rescued polydactyl Maine Coon whose name is Tootsie. The caretaker/guardian is Valley Girl (VG). VG has joined in some comment conversations recently. She has a website that is attached to PoC (a subdomain), with a funky title. VG lives in Atlanta, USA. It looks nice.

For me, the topic of conversation about this video is, “how fast is Tootsie running?” We don’t see many Maine Coon cats running, never mind polydactyl Maine Coons (you can see her poly toes when she runs if you look carefully). Well, I don’t see many Maine Coons running. Perhaps I am not looking in the right place. Below the video, I try and work out Tootsie’s speed.


Tootsie has two standing starts and a “turn around” (at the far end of the “track”) and runs for 4 seconds – the duration of the video. My estimate is that she runs 20 yards in 4 seconds including the standing starts.

If you eliminate the standing starts and the turn I am going to halve the time to travel the 20 yards. On that guesstimate basis, below is the calculation for miles per hour (mph). Sorry about the poor handwriting. It is tricky doing it on a tablet. My writing normally slopes forwards.

Maine coon running speed calculation
Maine coon running speed calculation. Picture of Tootsie by VG.
Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles:- Toxic to cats | Dangers to cats

This doesn’t say much because I am estimating too much really. However, it is just a bit of fun. I like to see purebred cats doing exercise rather than posing. As I said, Tootsie is a rescued poly purebred MC. There are not many of those.

16 thoughts on “The World’s Shortest Maine Coon Video”

  1. I saw this very short but very cute video on Flickr, where Valley Girl is one of our contacts. This video is an example of the saying “Good things come in small packages.” Math was never my favorite thing in school, so I won’t try to check your figures. 🙂 Now that Valley Girl has a new camera we’ll be looking forward to more videos of sweet Tootsie.


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