Dear Sir,
Re: Abuse of a Tiger
I have just watched a video that was made at your zoo. It shows two of your employees abusing a tiger in the most callous and wanton manner that is totally inconsistent with the duties of zoo keepers.
Your staff have broken this tiger’s spirit and heart. It is tragic to see a proud tiger in such a mentally submissive and broken state. Incidentally, has the tiger been declawed?
If you really must keep tigers in a zoo you have an obligation to care for the animal to a high standard. Personally, I would just shutdown your zoo and rehome the animals at places where they can be treated with some dignity. I would feel fairly confident in saying that such treatment is probably endemic at your zoo and part of your zoo’s culture. Please tell me that I am incorrect.
I would respectfully ask you to consider sacking these zoo keepers or at least reprimand them and then retrain them. You should also consider a complete rethink on how you go about caring for animals at your zoo.
Yours faithfully,
Michael Broad
Note: I wish the tiger would tear the heads off these zoo keepers… 😉
This is a translation to Simplified Chinese:
Note to any Chinese who listen and read: these are computer generated translations and vocals. There will be considerable error but the gist should be understandable.
This is what children believe penguins do. This is their habitat. Substitute glacier and ocean for concrete wall and shallow swimming pool.
I think one factor is that the people who abuse this tiger are fed up and possibly in some way abused themselves. They can’t complain to the boss so take it out of the animal one down in the chain, the broken tiger or whatever else is available. This is not an excuse. There is no excuse. They should be flogged.
The world’s biggest problem, by far, is over procreation – breeding, to many kids – and it is the one problem that, due to misplaced political correctness, is hardly ever discussed. That failure will bite us in the collective bum big time in years to come.
I hate zoos – I just had this argument again today with the same co-worker. He thinks he should take his kids to the zoo for educational reasons and I think we should put them all out of business. To be fair, here in Switzerland the standards are high and animal abuse is non-existent but I still think we should boycott the zoos and put them all out of business. Making money out of animals by making them sit there, trapped, to be gawped at by humans, or should I say, consumed, is not right and doesn’t preserve anything. It might actually give a kid the wrong idea. Plus a tiger is not a tiger without his or her home and land. What is a penguin in a swimming pool being hand fed with nowhere to go. Not really a penguin in the educational sense. Penguins should be diving off of glaciers, not a 2 foot concrete wall, surrounded once again by ugly human beings. I am embarrassed to be human. To be totally honest, if I drop dead tomorrow the world will be a better place because that will be one less person to eat and sh*t and eat and sh*t for another god knows how many years. When are humans going to realize that we are only important because we kill. Nothing more. We should all just off ourselves and do the rest of the ecosystem a favour since we lost our place in that chain a long time ago when some turd decided to throw a rock at an animal or whatever it was that got us this far into hell with our stupid emotionally retarded brains and selves. At this point trying to live longer seems like a crime.
And why is it that people in animal services are the ones who abuse the animals. I guess that’s another failure of our economy- you take what job you can get whether you give a damn what it’s about or not. I have nothing good to say here. China sucks ass in so many ways it’s incredible, as do we all, but when it comes to animals china really does win the prize. Since there’s so much to worry and care about I think I will continue to limit myself to worrying about the animals since they don’t deserve the human race. Also, no matter how many nice people there who care about animals, it means jack sh*t in the grand scheme of things at this point. Besides, half of them eat animals.
There is one simple rule we should all obey here – DONT have children, ever. There are lots more rules but at least by not having children there is hope for an end. It also means that ones karma doesn’t somehow have continue after you die, life after life. My dad died. He was super nice. My brother likes animals and will never have children. He is the only person left with my last name other than me from our line and he is much older than me. I have a feeling I will be the last of us and I will be proud to ensure my familly ends for good. That’s just how I see it. It’s a peaceful feeling and it feels so right.
No cat is submissive by Nature, it’s cruel people who make them so by ruling them with fear of more abuse!
Yes Marc it is embarrassing to be human, I really do think there are two species of humans, those who have a heart and a conscience and those who don’t.
We will wipe ourselves out, it’s only a matter of time and maybe if Mother Nature allows the human race to evolve again we will get it right next time, because this time we have got it sadly wrong!
I couldn’t watch it either Ruth – but the first picture is enough already. It’s embarassing to be human. This planet can’t wait until every last one of our disgusting species is gone forever. It literally cannot wait because we will destroy it pretty quickly.
Tigers are the opposite to submissive so the rest of your comment is sort of pointless.