To: President, Wenling Zoo, Zhejiang Province, China

Dear Sir,

Re: Abuse of a Tiger

I have just watched a video that was made at your zoo. It shows two of your employees abusing a tiger in the most callous and wanton manner that is totally inconsistent with the duties of zoo keepers.

Your staff have broken this tiger’s spirit and heart. It is tragic to see a proud tiger in such a mentally submissive and broken state. Incidentally, has the tiger been declawed?

If you really must keep tigers in a zoo you have an obligation to care for the animal to a high standard. Personally, I would just shutdown your zoo and rehome the animals at places where they can be treated with some dignity. I would feel fairly confident in saying that such treatment is probably endemic at your zoo and part of your zoo’s culture. Please tell me that I am incorrect.

I would respectfully ask you to consider sacking these zoo keepers or at least reprimand them and then retrain them. You should also consider a complete rethink on how you go about caring for animals at your zoo.

Yours faithfully,

Michael Broad

Note: I wish the tiger would tear the heads off these zoo keepers… 😉

This is a translation to Simplified Chinese:









Note to any Chinese who listen and read: these are computer generated translations and vocals. There will be considerable error but the gist should be understandable.


27 thoughts on “To: President, Wenling Zoo, Zhejiang Province, China”

  1. It’s very sad. I still can’t watch it though. What a horrible looking place to live – let alone the people.

  2. People believe that it is their right to have children and they want to continue themselves by having children. The ‘family’ is the holy untouchable thing. The family is what is threatened by terrorism, the familly is what people want to protect with guns – the kids, the children, bla bla bla. It’s impossible to stand up and say sod it all because it’s just so anti because everybody is consuming the whole 2.5 children lifestyle like there’s no tomorrow. And you know what, there probably is no more tomorrow – lol – I am sorry for being so difficult. In my world there’d be very few cars, no commuters or big famillies and a bunch of other stuff. It seems like in this day and age its not even fair on the children themselves to have children so it only serves the consuming desires of the parents I guess.

    I have very extreme views. I believe the world, humanity, has reached a very extreme reality and I can’t see any other way to think in order to survive and feel ok. At the very end, if I meet somebody and we feel like having children – and if I ever get ‘that’ feeling of wanting to have a familly I will bite my lip and say no because its not fair, no matter how pure and right that feeling may be, it’s just not fair to start creating new peoples and families in this world right now.

  3. Anyone who can’t recognise the fact that the human species is a complete disaster for the planet is stupid or arrogant or both.

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