Upload Your Cat Pictures To Pictures of Cats org!

You can now upload a photo of your cat to PoC in comments. When you make a comment to an article, whatever the topic of the article, feel free to add a picture of your cat as a little bonus. Your comment can be a few words. It will still earn 5 cents for charity under PoC’s charity donations scheme and it gives you the immediate option to add a picture of your cat.

People who have written comments before will see their comment published immediately. People who are making comments for the first time will have to wait a bit before their comment is published but for the next comment or comments you’ll see immediate publication.

Adding a picture in comments

This is easy. Just below the comment box you’ll see a button. Use it to upload your photo:

PoC - adding photos to comments
PoC – adding photos to comments

We want to see your cat!

I confess, I want to see your cat. I love seeing other people’s cats. Every cat is special. Personal photographs taken by cat caretakers are always interesting to me and others. They are interesting because they are personal. They are friends and companions to people. It is real and alive.


46 thoughts on “Upload Your Cat Pictures To Pictures of Cats org!”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
    • I would love to see your Manx cat, unfortunately the photograph that you tried to upload was a little too large in terms of the file size and therefore did not upload. If you look just below the comment box you will see a link to a page which tells you how to reduce the size of the file. It is very simple to do this and I hope you do it. Thank you for visiting.

  2. This is my sister’s cat Kobe. I write about him now and then. He’s a shy boy. I happened to have this picture of him on my computer. Monty would like to be his friend, but Kobe is not interested.

      • Kobe is very territorial. He came with the house and shared the apartment he now shares with my sister with another cat, a dog, a baby and two very social young humans who had many visitors at all hours. The other cat dominated Kobe, not letting him eat or use the litter box. The dog chased him. Kobe spent most on his time hiding in a closet. The two young humans decided to take Kobe to a shelter. We kept him when they moved out instead. He is happy living with my sister. He has the apartment to himself a lot. He sleeps on a cat tree I bought for him. He has no interest in other cats. Monty wants to come into Kobe’s apartment, but we don’t allow it. If Kobe were at the door of Monty’s house Monty might be the aggressive one and Kobe the seemingly friendly one.

        • Ruth (Monty’s Mom), Kobe sounds like a poor undertrodden, misunderstood soul. Thank goodness for you and your sister. I know that he must love that cat tree, and you and your sister. Could he adopt a kitten? (no doubt you’ve already thought about it.) 🙂

          • My sister thinks Kobe is happiest as an only cat. I don’t know if he would accept even a kitten. He’s getting quite old now.

            I bought him the cat tree off Craigslist from a couple of guys. It had been in their basement for years after both their cats passed away. The cat tree has obviously been well loved and used. It was musty and covered in fur, so I got it cheap, cheap, cheap. I cleaned it up on my back porch with my Rainbow vacuum and my Bissell steam cleaner (which has a hand held attachment) while Monty watched. It took two whole days to clean it up plus I let it sit in the sun for a couple of days. It looks actually better than new now. When I finally took it up to Jen’s apartment Monty was confused. “Where are they going with my new tree?” I’m sure that’s what he was asking. Kobe loves it, especially the highest perch. My sister said he gets all arrogant after he’s been up there, like he now looks down on everything and everyone. It’s given him a new perspective and he’s less shy now, less likely to run and hide.


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