Video: Tabby in Long Grass

This is a boring video of a really nice spotted tabby cat in long grass 🙂 Nothing happens! Don’t expect fireworks. Don’t desire hype and bling. It ain’t here.

I just like the contrast of textures: the cat’s coat and the long wispy grass. I like the naturalness. I like wind. I like grass. I like cats. I like the tabby coat: the coat that has been inherited from the wildcat ancestor. You can feel that ancestor in the video.

11 thoughts on “Video: Tabby in Long Grass”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Thank you Rose. This is a lovely cat. She has just this minute come in for her supper 😉 I can’t help it. We like each other. She has African wildcat written all over her body.

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