Women are Better Cat Caretakers than Men?

This is a brief discussion on the subject that women are better at taking care of companion cats than men. In order to discuss it we need to look at one major difference between men and women: the intuition and sensitivity of women compared to men. This aspect of a woman’s character is probably what makes a woman, in general, better at cat caretaking than a man. I have to stress “in general” because there are many millions of fantastic male, human cat owners.

Women are better cat caretakers than men
Women are better cat caretakers than men. Cat whisperer (bottom left) is Jan. The photo is by yi. Top two photos are bought from iStockphoto.

I remember Ruth (Monty’s mom) criticizing me (correctly) for adopting a stereotypical viewpoint about a certain subject. There are individuals who fit stereotypes but there are also many people who don’t fit into any stereotype. They are individuals with their own special personalities.

You could say that a sensitive male is better at cat caretaking than a female. However, I don’t want to discuss that and, in any case, it is a provocative statement. I want to discuss the general view that women are better cat caretakers than men because they are more sensitive and intuitive. These characteristics are so in tune with a cat’s character. I think that is a key factor.

A sensitive person is more alert and it is said that intuition makes people more sensitive. Also women are said to have more empathy and patience than men who tend to want to get their own way and achieve immediate results. Often a tender, slow process, which is in tune with nature, is much better when dealing with a cat.

Men who are successful –  “success” usually means in business or making money – are good at applying logic and getting “results”; whatever “results” means. Men are more used to dictating opinion whereas women are more in tune with the idea of achieving a consensus amongst others to achieve a goal. This attitude is potentially better when dealing with a cat companion as you cannot “dictate” to a cat ;).

You can’t make a cat do things. It is far better and more productive to work with a cat on a cat’s terms than to try and force a cat to do something.

Women are more in tune with how we say things to others to get a result. The tone and demeanor is more important to a woman. A man will tend to just say it and sod it. If the recipient doesn’t like it: tough.

These are my conclusions:

  • You cannot stereotype a woman and a man. It is too black-and-white. There are vast areas of grey in between the sexes. This alone could render meaningless the idea that women are better cat caretakers than men.
  • Women are more consensus orientated, which might mean they are better cat owners.
  • Women work more slowly or to put that in a more acceptable way: they are more patient in getting “results” – good for cats.
  • Women are more intuitive and sensitive. That is perhaps a stereotype that I have to question. I believe that men are equally sensitive but they are trained to lock that sensitivity away because at the sharp end of life you can’t afford to be too sensitive because you get walked over.
  • Women are more in tune with cats (solitary animals) and men are more in tune with dogs (pack animals).

22 thoughts on “Women are Better Cat Caretakers than Men?”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Correction: Women with serious emotional and mental problems are better caretakers of cats. 1. No humans want to be around them due to their emotional and mental problems. 2. They are desperate to live out some maternal instincts that no man on earth will give to them. 3. Anyone who views them letting cats roam free is a sign that they are criminally irresponsible caretakers that will do to any children what they will do to their cats. i.e. the chances of any male’s offspring surviving in their care is minimal at best, they are not a good genetic choice.

    • Correction: Women with serious emotional and mental problems are better caretakers of cats.

      You have to be a rampart misogynist to write that. Tofu, I know you are Woody or one of his gang. That is the last comment you’ll make unless it is more polite and well reasoned.

      • ‘Criminally irresponsible caretakers’ is what put me onto him Michael. Anyway I’ve no time for Trolls all I wanted to say was you were spot on when you said ‘Also women are said to have more empathy and patience than men who tend to want to get their own way and achieve immediate results. Often a tender, slow process, which is in tune with nature, is much better when dealing with a cat’ Men tend to expect things to happen immediately and they really can’t understand it when they don’t 🙂 I tend to think its evolution not quite where it should be.

        In terms of women having more empathy I would say thats generally correct however if you could see some of the examples of ‘women’ where I live (going back to what Marc said) they look more like men and don’t even have any empathy for their offspring never mind the ability to understand the complex needs of a feline 🙁 I know I sound superior but I look at some of them and I think my God you are a disgrace to womankind. They have no grace, character or womanly appeal as far as I’m concerned anyway thats a whole other topic but just to say on the whole I agree 🙂

  3. I think men and women can be equally good cat caretakers,I know some very gentle and kind men who aren’t afraid to say they love cats.
    We have house husbands nowadays where if the wife has a better job the husband stays home to look after the house and kids,it’s not men work and women stay home now.
    Maybe the tide is turning,I hope so because like Ruth I much prefer men who love cats,they are good men.
    I’m a secret fan of Micheals because he is a good man 🙂


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