Is this Maine Coon cat the world’s tallest domestic cat? It is a strange question. What is the biggest and smallest cat are commonly asked questions, but the tallest? Weird. Until, that is, you see this Maine Coon cat who I believe is called Flash Fire after her tortie and white coat or in America a calico coat. Then all you can see is the height.
I know this is a bit tongue in cheek but what I mean is, is there a cat that is as tall as this when standing on the hind legs? I doubt it.
Please Note: this page is meant to be a bit of fun with a serious side to it. However, if you want to see the Guinness World Records tallest domestic cat (to the shoulder – 17.1 inches) – please click on this: F1 Savannah Cat MAGIC.
The picture looks extraordinary. The reason why this kind of cat picture is very rare is because three factors need to be present.
First, you have got to be photographing a Maine Coon cat. The Maine Coon is probably the breed with the longest body. They are big cats too. So length + big size = tall when standing up like this. Then you have to get the cat to go up on his or her hind legs naturally without any form of coercion and thirdly you have got to capture the moment that may be pretty fleeting.
All these factors are possible if you are with the Flicks because they photograph the best domestic cats and use the best cat photography techniques to capture the best pictures. Here are some more normal looking pictures of this fantastic Maine Coon cat, the world’s tallest domestic cat, or at least the tallest cat I have seen in a photograph and I think I have seem more cat photographs than anyone except Ken and Helmi Flick!
All the photographs are copyright Helmi Flick – please respect copyright, thank you. See the World’s Biggest Cat.
By the way her full name is “Witchcraft Flash Fire of Chemicoons” and she is a “Best Female Maine Coon International Lifetime Achievement Award Winner” (thanks to Finn Frode Hansen, a contributor, for this research).