A blood transfusion saved this poor kitten after he was found collapsed and nearly dead

A small and weak kitten is alive today, thanks to a blood donation by a cat who belongs to an RSPCA officer.

kitten rescued
Brian Jr. 2019 (left) and November 2018 (inset) photo INS

When Sue Taft, manager of RSPCA Milton Keynes & N. Bucks Branch heard about a tiny five-week-old kitten who was found in squalid conditions at a Milton Keynes property, she volunteered her own cat Brian to be the donor.

In an interview with Metro.co.uk, Sue explained just how close the kitten was to death after being rushed to Milton Keynes Veterinary Group back in November 2018

“This poor kitten was signed over after he was found collapsed and nearly dead. ‘He was absolutely covered in fleas and severely anemic so the vets decided his only hope was a blood transfusion so I took my own cat Brian down to help out. ‘As soon as the blood went in, the little kitten started to pick up and after a few days he was happy and eating again as kittens do.”

cat rescued
Brian checking on Brian Jr. (photo INS)

Since Brian is the hero to the little kitten, the baby is now known as Brian Junior. The recovering kitten is also being touted as “the kitten who came back from the dead” by new media who have covered his story.

Brian Sr., now four years old, wasn’t always the healthy boy he is today. He came into the RSPCA with a leg so mangled it had to be amputated. He’s helped out other cats in the past through blood donation.

Milton-Keynes map

Cat (and dog) blood is so precious. Between medical conditions and accidental injuries, blood often means the difference in whether a pet lives or dies.

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