A Feral Cat’s Tale

by Eve

Last year 2 cats began visiting my porch looking for food. I started feeding and caring for them. A few months later one kitten appeared with them. I guess seeing them like that really made it hit home that they were a family.

This past summer it became obvious that there were more kittens due. I was terrified at the thought of her having them outdoors. I had nightmares of them being killed, cold, unfed, and homeless.

I called my local vet and asked for the number to an organization for assistance. Luckily, I found people willing to give me advice and information.

The “father” was trapped, neutered, and released. The older kitten was trapped, neutered, and moved in with me. The issue was pregnant mother cat. I caught her without a trap and she gave birth less then a week later to 3 beautiful kittens.

Sadly, shortly afterwards mother cat and one kitten tested positive for FELV. The kittens all found loving homes with informed people. Mother cat is undergoing vaccinations and hopefully will someday test negative (fingers crossed).

Many stories like mine end far worse. I feel fortunate to have a story without a tragic ending.


A Feral Cat’s Tale to Feral Cats

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A Feral Cat’s Tale

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Jun 15, 2011 chi hair
by: chi hair

Deleted as spam.

Jan 05, 2010 feral cats
by: Ruth

How kind you are Eve ! It’s people like you and Jan who care about ferals who make this world a better place.
We did a lot of TNR when volunteering for Cats Protection but I don’t think our feral situation is anywhere near as bad as in the USA, although we do desperately need a feral farm in N.E.England.
We are lucky to have light on the horizon in that our local Rescue Centre are planning to set up a feral unit when we can raise enough funds ,they are situated quite near a busy road but plan to have it across the fields as far from danger as possible.
True ferals, born wild,once neutered are happy with food and shelter,they don’t ask for much.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jan 04, 2010 Ferals and fairies
by: Jan Plant

True enough Michael.Most die from predation and starvation.But some die from over breeding,and the queen is too weak to carry through the birthing process. How great of you,Eve to share your story and be so kind.I like to think that the ferals who don’t make it and die ,turn into fairies and visit me in my sleep.Sorry,sounds odd,but it keeps me sane.Michael is right.Not a whole lot is being done for feral colonies,but they are improving a bit here in the US.A lot of places now have TNR programs,and even have traps people can use.Just getting folks aware,and wanting to spend a bit of time taking them and picking them up.Also when you take them in ,you have to sign for them and that you must return them to where they were trapped.

Jan 04, 2010 Well Done
by: Michael

Well done we say but it is sad. What percentage just die, out there in the cold? Is anything big being done to deal with feral cats other than ad hoc rescue such as yours? I don’t think so. There seems to be a massive amount of suffering amongst feral cats in the world and nothing is done alleviate it as we are too busy trying to save ourselves.

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