A Feral Queen’s Story
by Jan Plant
Queen Mauve
Christmas has come, and almost passed again. It's so nice, curled up here in the warm sun out of the cold wind. This spot is my favorite place to warm my old bones.
My Ol'Tom has been long gone now.That was a horrible day, so long ago, those roaming dogs got him. We had quite a few young ones together, Ol'Tom and me. Such beautiful babies they were. Some grew up and sadly broke my heart by leaving or dying.
The human who saved my life, all those years ago somehow knew I was in trouble. Five of my litter had been born yet the last one wouldn't come. She found me under the porch where I always hid to have my precious babies.
She must have heard my cries of pain. She took all of us to the "other humans" place and he helped me bring my last kitten into the world. Big-headed Louis! Dang near killed me. I went to sleep for awhile after that and awoke back on the screened porch in a lovely soft box.
The human was sitting in front of me feeding my babies. So gently and quiet it rather amazed me. She spoke quietly soothingly to me and said I never had to worry. They had fixed me so I'd never have to suffer that way again and would have no more babies.
I'm not sure if I was upset or relieved. At 6years old, I'd already had 45 babies that lived and I was pretty tired. But, I always loved my kittens and enjoyed taking care of them when I could. Yet, sometimes, that wasn't enough.
The human has been kind over the years. This is my fourth Christmas here. Every once in awhile a stranger will come and the human takes them away for the day. When they return, she places them in the same,warm, spot she placed me so long ago. And I know,they will remain with our "family".
I believe I'll stretch out here,in this warm safe spot,and perhaps take a nap. For tonight, I know, at least here there will be....