A New Breed Of Halloween Cat Killer

by Elisa Black-Taylor

I'm hiding in the closet

I'm hiding in the closet

I'm hiding in the closet Baby says keep me safe I wasn't safe in my own yard! I was hunting rats, but who's hunting me?

Good morning readers. Welcome to October. The month in which all cat lovers fear for their cats. Not only the black ones, it seems.

Today I'm going to break my own black cat myth. All of the black cat myths, for that matter. In all honesty, no cat, black or otherwise is really safe this month. And it's not the satanic cults we need to fear the most.

There's a new breed of Halloween cat killer out there. Don't let your cat become the next target!

Please read all of this article as it's a real eye opener. And it's urgent with Halloween just around the corner. Do not be squeamish about reading every word. Do not go into denial because this CAN happen in your neighborhood. The best way to protect our cats is to be as informed as possible.


I grew up in the 1970's and 80's where there were stories (and movies) galore about Satanic cults sacrificing black cats on Halloween and other Satanic holidays. I even knew a few cult members in real life.

I've learn a few things in my research this year.

Now lets move along to Sanheim, which is where our modern day Halloween hails from. Those who practice this religion believe the veil between life and death is the thinnest on this day (October 31) and the dearly departed have the greatest chance to return to earth on this day. The animal of choice for the departed to possess would be a black cat. So the black cat myth was born.

Some religions (and horror movies) believe by sacrificing the black cat the dead person can return as said cat. Other's try to prevent the soul's return by killing the cat.

This is the scary part. And confusing. This Satanic Ritual quote was obtained from this source. "Rituals involving animal sacrifices are common in various syncretistic religions which combine beliefs from West African Aboriginal religion and Roman Catholicism. These include Santeria, Vodun, Macumba, etc."

Small animals like chickens and goats are ritually sacrificed in a humane manner, generally by cutting their carotid artery. They are later cooked and eaten after most rituals. The U.S. Supreme Court in 1993 determined that various ordinances passed by the City of Hialeah, FL to prohibit ritual sacrifices were unconstitutional."

We are NOT only dealing with Satanic cults in the majority of these Halloween cat killing cases. In fact, Satanic cults are the least of our problems these days.

Now forget everything I've written so far about cults during the past year. Well, don't forget it, but don't dwell on it either. Because we have a greater threat on on our hands. While there are still some rituals involving black (and white) cats, there is a greater fear than the true cults. So please don't write me and say Satanic cults no longer exist. They're just being outnumbered.

Because the modern day Satanic cult-SIT DOWN READERS- has been replaced by the psychopathic, psychotic, mentally ill neighbor who lives down the street. The neighbors kids with too much spare time and too little respect for animals.

I've done a lot of research and gotten a lot of feedback this year on this subject. I've also learned a few things I didn't know. True Religious Satanists value life forms in humans and animals. Please use your search engine and read up on this if you don't believe me!

Wiccans and Neopagans do not sacrifice animals either. So where did the cat sacrificing propaganda we see on and in the news come from? And who is killing our pets around Halloween?

I'll tell you who. Satanic Urban Legend wannabe's. It doesn't matter where these kids got their information when it comes to cats. Unfortunately, a dead cat is a dead cat.

I've done several articles that I advise you to read over because this changes everything on the way cats (and also white bunnies as white signifies purity) are looked at around Halloween.

Here are some of my most important stories.

1.Grandma Moses Saved From Drowning.

2. Conduct Disorder Leads To Animal Cruelty.

3. Know Your Neighbors.

4. Kids Killing Cats.

5. Satanic Cults and Cats.

#4 is possible the most important story I've don't on the epidemic of young people turning into serial killers. Each of these articles represents the hatred some people have of cats.

I could list article after article I've written about dogs and cats tortured and killed by psychopaths, but most of it is summed up in these articles published by pictures-of-cats.org.

The above articles all show we're not looking for the boogeyman. Many animal abusers look perfectly normal. Many hold down respectable jobs and attend some sort of religious service. The younger ones throw up their hands and say "hello" to us. And that's frightening.

Please read the following and pass them on to others. The psychopathic (psychotic) teen is our true enemy. Think Michael Myers in the new Halloween gruesome Rob Zombie movie, but very accurate.

A lot of these sacrifices still occur. Some of it is an "urban legend" thing where friends show off and pretend they're members of the "Satanic Forces." Other rituals are preformed by psychotic fathers trying to exert control on terrified children. Think about it, if "Midnight" or "Blackie" isn't safe, neither is "mom." To these men, it's all a power play.

So no black cat or white cat is safe during the month of October. Many shelters refuse to adopt during this month, because urban legends have a tendency to come true. Cats are also turning up missing earlier each year1.

I thank God the shelters have wised up on this issue.

There's so much more to be done. Homeowners need to come out of their shell in thinking this is a nice safe world. It may have been once, but not anymore.

It's sad that this era may be remembered as the "season of the pet." Dead pets, shot pets, missing pets, tortured pets. The news is full of them every day. Don't hide under a rock and think this isn't happening all around you!

Pet owners must be extra vigilant in knowing where their pets are at all times. In some areas of the world, it's no longer safe to leave a dog or cat outside while you run to the corner store. As concerned pet owners we HAVE to realize this and take steps accordingly. Secure your cats and dogs before leaving for even half an hour. Someone out there could be watching.

Turn in suspected animal abuse of any kind. If enough of us band together and act, that's better than sitting by idly while our pets die.

I think it sad that people feel the need to purchase a cat as a "showpiece" for a holiday. Cats and dogs both hate the day as it means lots of strange people and stranger noises in the neighborhood. Please read this article as white cats are also in serious danger. Snopes is known for separating fact from reality and I turn to it on many occasions.1

I hope this article has been educational. I didn't use a lot of references because they're not needed. Just use a little common sense readers. And don't be as trusting as you used to be . I REALLY hate to end with this piece of advice, because it goes against everything I was taught as a child. But when you're dealing with people who were taught to harm defenseless animals, you do what you have to do.

Please feel free to comment and pass this article along to other pet lovers. If one life can be saved I've done my job here.

The black cat Peeper was my cat. She was killed when a stray dog broke through our fence and killed her 6 feet from a tree. She stayed inside 98% of the time, including at night. She was killed one morning shortly after I let her outside to hunt in her own yard.

I dedicate this article to my Peeper, who lived inside most nights under the safety of her people.

She was 9 years old.

This is the reason my cats both live inside now.



1. http://www.snopes.com/horrors/mayhem/blackcat.asp

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A New Breed Of Halloween Cat Killer

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May 28, 2012
I Agree Completely NEW
by: Kat

I couldn't agree with you more.

Our beloved black cat was taken right from our front yard in 2005 on Halloween with TWO collars on. We still think about him all the time and wonder if he's still alive or if someone took him and kept him as a "lucky holiday souvenir". It infuriates me and I miss him more than anything. He was one of my kids, and he will always belong with us. He's part of our family. <3
His story is here: http://eclipticsnowleopard.deviantart.com/art/Neptune-Lost-Never-Forgotten-192582397

He was unfortunatly indoor-outdoor at the time, against my wishes, as I was still in school and it was my parents' decision, but I always wanted him indoors-only because I always worried about him getting stolen, he was so friendly and I know people can be cruel to other people's pets, and our neighbors had tried to steal his brother twice (we had to get police involved to get him back). Now my parents realize that he should have been indoors only, but too late, he's gone and I don't know if we'll ever know what happened to him, and all of our pets are indoors-only now because of it. Too many people out there will intentionally kill, harm, or steal pets. There should be stricter laws and punishments against it, and people should be more aware of it, but most people seem oblivious or are just in denial, and the animals suffer because it's allowed to just happen. **Please keep your pets inside.**

Oct 18, 2010
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

Peeper was the skinniest, runtiest, sneakiest little black thing ever the day I brought her home from the shelter. My daughter was 2 yrs old and laughed her head off as I chased Peeper around and around the couch for 2 hrs. wearing gardening gloves. Eventually I gave up and did things on the cats terms. She was a beauty. An excellent mouser. We had her spayed young because she wasn't the type you wanted to see in heat. Knowing what I know now, I believe she was more than a little feral and I'd have hated to see her in heat.

And if you really want to cry, read the stories I'm posting this week.

Animals are NOT safe in their own backyards anymore.I'm not trying to depress people. I just want everyone to know what's out there and it's not all good.I NEVER dreamed dogs would come into a fenced in yard and kill her on her own territory. I had the same thing happen 20 years ago to another cat. Now the two babies I have are totally indoor cats with lots of toys. I'm sick to death of digging graves!

Oct 18, 2010
Black Cat Rescue Agree's
by: Twilight Eyes

Great information, (especially your addition Michael!) I am in a small rural town, and on the board of a small overfull animal shelter. Since I primarily rescue injured or emaciated black cats, you can imagine how many times a year my heart was torn when my space runs out during October, and the black cats and kittens would be denied adoption, but because of space be put to sleep, never getting even a chance, simply because of the month!

We now allow adoption to local residents only (town of 25,000), with a 3 year verifiable vet history, a signed indoor ONLY agreement,as well as an added deposit bringing the adoption fee well over $100. One month after Halloween, they get the deposit, as well as a lovely (sponsored) gift delivered to their home, for saving the life of one of the most "unlucky" cats a shelter can have at Halloween.

Any color of cat (or dog) can be a target at halloween, at any time of the year, and so long as shelters take steps to assure only the most sincere of families are allowed to take them home, why don't more make the effort?

My heart breaks for you on the MURDER of your beloved black cat. The sight of an unknown dog in my neighborhood makes my blood run cold, as I protect and serve a small feral colony. I've seen what they do, and it is the reason I cannot stand dogs of any size shape or color. Too many biters, barkers, or killers. When is the last time you heard of a couple cats mauling a small child or disfiguring it? Or took grandma down and killed her on the way to take out the garbage? Enough said. I'm glad you used your grief in a possitive way in helping others, there is no greater beauty in animals than a pure black, gleaming cat.

Oct 15, 2010
by: lorrainehm8@aol.com

That is really a horrible, creepy situation! I would have never thought it would actually occur,,,,,pretty gruesome.....Take care!!

Oct 15, 2010
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

Halloween is celebrated more here at private parties and churches with "cute" outfits because its too dangerous on the streets. Society here is sad.

Oct 15, 2010
by: Edward

Thats terrible man if thats how they get their kicks then they are sick in the mind.

Oct 13, 2010
by: Michael

This is probably a bit off topic but Dr Jon who has a successful "pet" website advises this for the safety of cats, dogs and pets generally during Halloween in the USA. It is big in the USA.

1. Hide the candy and wrappers. These are potentially dangerous to cats.

2. Keep your cat indoors and in a quiet and safe room with familiar items to make sure there is no possibility to run out when the front door is open to trick or treat visitors.

3. Some music might also help! Here is a CD designed to calm pets:

Michael Avatar

Oct 13, 2010
by: Rose

Struth how awful,give me good old England any day.
I don't understand how there can be such barbaric goings on in a civilised country but then again as vets daily happily abuse cats by declawing them I shoudn't be so surprised.

Oct 13, 2010
by: Ruth

This is really horrible and very frightening and it makes me even more glad that I live in England where as far as I know Halloween isn't celebrated much. Well here in the North East it isn't anyway.
We usually have a few kids coming to the door towards the end of October asking for 'A penny for Halloween' Mostly little ones dressed as witches or similar and carrying a turnip lantern and their mother or older sibling waiting at the gate for them. Older kids sometimes have fancy dress parties, just good clean fun.
It makes me shudder to think that some youngsters there get pleasure out of torturing cats.
No wonder you have to keep them in and safe !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Oct 13, 2010
A new breed of Halloween cat killer
by: Meowwie

I loved the article, Elisa.
Just wonderful.
Blessed be ALL cats, everywhere ! =^..^=

Oct 13, 2010
A New Breed of Halloween Cat Killer
by: bj

Your articles are informative and scary sometimes. I have 2 feral cats that I take care of and one is partly tame (I can pet her, but not pick her up) the other is totally wild.

We have a leash law here but no one keeps their dogs up, they let them out at night. Our last cat was killed by a pack of dogs, and all the Sheriff said was, "If you can identify the owners of the dogs we can investigate." Which means nothing will be done.

I am just hoping one day better laws will be passed for animal abusers.

Oct 12, 2010
Sicko's come in all shapes and sizes,trust no one on Halloween
by: Gwen S.

I help run a no kill /no cage animal shelter and we would never adopt out cats anywhere near Halloween.Too many sicko's out there...
PLEASE people keep your cats inside..

Oct 12, 2010
Sicko's come in all shapes and sizes,trust no one on Halloween
by: Gwen S.

I help run a no kill /no cage animal shelter and we would never adopt out cats anywhere near Halloween.Too many sicko's out there...
PLEASE people keep your cats inside..

Oct 12, 2010
Thank you!
by: kittynovich

Thank you for writing this. I have been shouting this from the rooftops for years!! I have a feral colony of 17 cats that I care for. My biggest fear for them is bored teenagers. I would also thank you for using the term "neopagans." I am a lifelong Wiccan and so was my mother, grandmother, and so on. A Wiccan would NEVER harm an animal, especially a cat!! However, these "New Age Wiccan" *act* like they are Wiccan, simply for *freak factor!* They just want to *scare* people. Something a true Wiccan would never dream of doing!

When I was a child, someone shot out our living room window, trying to shoot our beautiful, sweet, black cat. Rascal was lying in the windowsill, minding his own business when the window shattered. We discovered the bullet in the wall across the room. This happened on Halloween. Samhain, the holiest of nights for my kind. Since that night, I keep my curtains drawn and my blinds closed on Halloween. I have always had, and still have, black cats. I fear for their sweet, precious lives. Rascal was just fine, by the way.

Oct 12, 2010
"Comment on Article"
by: Mirella Meddi

"Hello, I am mirella from Rome and I read your article, I give you full right about everything! I have a cat than a year his name is Pesca..""And I think if you kill him die! October 31 so I hope nothing happens! kissesn

5 thoughts on “A New Breed Of Halloween Cat Killer”

  1. Hi Mickie, this response is way too late and I am sorry. The way to do it is to copy the URL (the page address) and email it or paste it into a message of any sort. Thanks for asking.

  2. Coywolves(midwest to florida). A bigger stronger coyote. You might hear their yips and high pitched bark at night around midnight to 3am. They hunt as a pack and are unstoppable. They will eat dogs too.

  3. I posted an urgent alert to my neighbors to protect their cats during halloween season. I recieved a reply from an ignoramous stating that it was not urgent in his opinion. I want to send this article to my neighborhood association, how would I do that?

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