A new way to abandon a cat and be cruel at the same time

This is a UK cat cruelty story, which adds a variation to the “throw-the-cat-out-of-a-moving-car method of feline abandonment.

We all know the classic method:

  1. place kitten in a cardboard box
  2. drive down road, usually, a road on which there is fast moving traffic
  3. throw box with kitten inside out of the passenger seat window
  4. ignore any fatal or non-fatal but serious injuries incurred by the cat/kitten
  5. keep on driving – job done.

In this instance, which actually occurred in Wales, a member of the United Kingdom, a car was driving through an area called Gelligaer Common towards Bargoed at about 10 pm Sunday evening, May 3rd. The driver of this car pulled over to let another car behind through.

Someone in the rear of the other car, driven by a man aged around 35-40, threw a black and white adult cat in a box out of the rear window onto the bonnet (hood) of the parked car.

The box burst open on impact revealing the contents. The female cat is apparently blind and has a lump on her neck.

Without wishing to jump to conclusions, it would appear that the cat was abandoned in this cruel way because she is blind and possibly has cancer. That is the obvious but perhaps incorrect conclusion.

The fact that the person threw the cat onto the other car would also lead us to believe that this was a misguided attempt to ensure that the cat was readopted. The cat was a bizarre ‘gift’ to the occupants of the parked car.

As the cat is blind, the experience must have been very frightening. By chance and good fortune the cat was uninjured.

The cat is not microchipped. The RSPCA are involved in tracing the perpetrators of this novel and cruel example of cat abandonment.

It is strange that the car is often associated with cat cruelty and vicious abandonments. It is probably because people in cars are anonymous and and hard to identify unless a number plate is recorded accurately.

Source: Blind cat in box thrown from moving car onto bonnet of another vehicle | South Wales Evening Post

8 thoughts on “A new way to abandon a cat and be cruel at the same time”

  1. This person’s actions reflects the attitude of billions of people on the planet towards animals. In general people are too arrogant towards animals. We think we are superior and animals can be used and abused. Although there are a huge number of people who are kind towards animals there are far too many who are not.

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