This is a song by Ruth (Monty’s Mom): Gabriel the Cat’s Song. Ruth has been very sweet to me in writing and singing a song about Gabriel, my semi-feral (now more domesticated) kitten who I am fostering but will adopt. It brought a tear to my eye because when we adopt a cat it changes our lives and the life of the cat. We are their world. There is a big responsibility.
If you don’t know Ruth’s abilities, she has a nice singing voice and she likes to compose. This is her little song about Gabriel:
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Quite a long time ago Ruth composed a song about Simon, the brave ship’s cat who won the Dickin Medal, the animal equivalent of the human Victoria Cross (VC).
There is a religious context. Gabriel is a Hebrew name meaning (according to Wikipedia) “Able-bodied one of God” or “messenger of God”.
I believe I am correct in saying that Ruth is a religious person. I am not. Perhaps Gabriel will help me find my God.
Thanks Ahsan! I just saw this– I’ve been busy. I sent it to Michael because I’d thought of it and thought he might like it. I didn’t know he was going to put it on the site.