A1 Savannahs Breeding Queen with her Kittens

This is a straightforward short video which may interest some visitors. As described it shows a female breeding cat with an interesting tabby coat which appears to be more ticked tabby than the classic spotted tabby pattern which is the pattern of the Savannah cat, with her offspring in one of the areas of the large complex that makes up the breeding cattery area of A1 Savannahs.

I was surprised to see her in a cardboard box on a concrete floor but that is probably par for the course. There are many heavy ventilation fans at A1 Savannahs in the covered buildings to keep the cats cooler in the blisteringly hot summer weather.

There was a bottle of water attached to the fencing that formed the caged area. One of the employees had let the water bottle run dry which could be very serious in hot weather. The problem was quickly corrected.

The mother cat – the queen – is large but I don’t know what she is – probably a f2 Savannah cat. She must have mated with a serval or another high filial Savannah cat. I suspect it was another Savannah cat.

The video has some interest as it shows in a very real way what it is like at a well run breeding cattery in the USA.

The video is not current. It was filmed about 4-5 years ago. A1 Savannahs has changed hands since then. It is a bit archived video but I thought might interest some people as an historic record.

49 thoughts on “A1 Savannahs Breeding Queen with her Kittens”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Don’t apologize Dee. I published to show the reality and for interest. I don’t know how typical this is in the breeding world but to animal loving outsiders it does not look that good.

  3. Don’t like this way of keeping cats specially if someone have resources, even I being jobless not keep my beauties in this way. Bhwaaaa. . . Barking of dogs seems to me as teasers for the cats and specially babies, it seems self-made created tension/ fear for the innocent fellows for 24/7/365. 🙁

    One of them seems to be my LAILA who is better kept indoor with me in my studies/ library room.

    I thought it is LAILA there and I just took my LAILA in my arms and hugged her with a kiss. These kinds of emotions make me sick 🙁

    Thanks for exposing but not happy 🙁

  4. Your comment is what I’d expect from you as a passionate animal advocate and I published this because it is stark and it does show what it is like. I held it back for years. A1 Savannahs was (still is?) a top breeder with excellent facilities so you can imagine what some others are like. I am not saying all are bad but there are some bad ones with tiny cages etc. I have another video which will make you write something similar 😉

  5. What a disgusting horrible stark place for a mother cat and her babies, how can anyone think that is acceptable! The kittens little heads are up hearing the barking dogs, those precious little lives already affected by noise to disturb their quality time with their mother before they are sold to God knows who, who will have power over their lives.
    An empty water bottle, a lax employee means lax employers, no water to drink can be fatal to a cat!
    I hated breeders to begin with and I hate them even more now I’ve seen this!
    The Stuckis sold out to a hunter, so they should regret it Cal, they deserve no luck with the money they made from their betrayal of the cats they had in their power!

  6. What a disgusting horrible stark place for a mother cat and her babies, how can anyone think that is acceptable! The kittens little heads are up hearing the barking dogs, those precious little lives already affected by noise to disturb their quality time with their mother before they are sold to God knows who, who will have power over their lives.
    An empty water bottle, a lax employee means lax employers, no water to drink can be fatal to a cat!
    I hated breeders to begin with and I hate them even more now I’ve seen this!
    The Stuckis sold out to a hunter, so they should regret it Cal, they deserve no luck with the money they made from their betrayal of the cats they had in their power!

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