When you watch the surveillance video you can see the woman sneak up to the veterinary hospital in her car and quickly walk up to the outside of the hospital and dump the cats before hastily returning to her vehicle. The cats are a mother cat and three kittens, estimated at 10 weeks-of-age.
Of course it was done at night when there was a much better chance of not being spotted. It was done furtively and secretly. The whole event smacks of guilt and cowardess. This woman must have been too ashamed to take her unwanted cats to a shelter and honestly explain what went wrong because something must have gone wrong if you have cats that you want to get rid of.
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I mention that she should have gone to a shelter because taking these unwanted cats to a veterinary hospital was careless and ignorant.
The manager of the hospital explains:
“But we can’t bring unknown animals into the hospital,” Posey said. “It could be feral, attack the staff, carry diseases.”
Posey explains that if people are intent in abandoning their cats they should do it correctly and contact the Humane Society of Greater Dayton and Animal Resource Center of Montgomery County (this abandonment took place at Miamisburg).
As it happens, the hospital staff contacted animal control and they picked up the cats. They’ll be held at the Animal Resource Center where they will hopefully be adopted.
The cowardly woman (sorry to be so frank about her behaviour) is a white and she drove a Chevrolet Suburban or an older SUV.
She committed a criminal act. “Abandonment is a criminal violation”, says the director, Mark Kumpf, of the animal shelter.
Thanks, Dee!! I know that I am soooo not alone! I know stories similar to mine…and yours and any org or person that is the target of dumpers. Many people go deeply into debt cleaning up the ‘mess’ caused by selfish people. And, think of cats who suffer the worst fate. There is a meme on FB that I sometimes share “Do rescue long enough and you will hate people, too!” I think I’m there!!! That said, I will continue to marvel at fellow rescuers.
Bless you, Kit. And, I so understand. I don’t run a shelter but adopt out through a rescue group. However, I have had countless cats/kits dumped on my deck over the years because people know what I do and that I will take on the responsibility that they escape from. I, too, have cats inside and outside as well as manage 3 feral colonies that total around 75.
I understand your financial struggles. Even though I get discounted pricing for neutering, shots (yearly vaccinations too that require a re-trapping of all), etc. for my ferals, it’s still costly. My domesticated cats also have to have yearly vaccinations, health checks, and flea control. And, it seems like something is breaking down here every week. I’m keeping up, but my sacrifices are many.
But, it’s all worth it to me. Never a second thought, never a regret.
I commend you and wish the best for you and your cats.
Hi Dee, your last sentence is harrowing. Thanks for commenting Dee.
Being someone who is constantly ‘dumped’ on, that reasoning really gets my hackles up!! ‘Selfish coward’ is the best description, period. To reason away that they care somehow, makes my blood boil. They are dumping their responsibility on someone else whether it’s taking the cat in, finding it a home, or dealing with the heartbreak of having to take it to the shelter themselves. And, mostly there is no guarantee of a good outcome for the cat. I wish there was some way to prevent certain people from ever having pets in the first place!! ….pie in the sky fantasy, I know!!
My vet always takes them in and finds them homes with the caveat that he will spay and neuter for free. The vet that called animal control is also a coward and even more selfish than the despicable woman who dumped the innocent feline family. I do TNR and have a private rescue. I get cats and families of cats dumped on me all the time. The individual cats and kittens often have some sort of problem that makes them undesirable for adoption. Families are way easier to find homes for. I have adopted out 61 cats in 10 years…all S/N’d combo-tested, microchipped, vaxed, etc. I charge a fee but since I’m in competition with the shelter and Humane Society I only charge a quarter or less of my costs. I’ve TNR’d over 130 and currently care for 60 + cats in 5 colonies and 2 sanctuaries. It has been and continues to be a hardship…financial and otherwise. It’s a constant stress on how to pay the bills. I’ve been without CACH for 3 yrs, running hot water since 5/2014, the washer is broken AGAIN. That’s just for starters! I’m in no way interested in being a martyr and desperately want BASIC normalcy back in my life. As much as I try to get my numbers to a manageable level people keep dumping cats!! Every time I find another dumped innocent cat, I curse the responsible person to hell…upside, downside and crossways!! And think to myself ‘I’ll bet they have hot running water!!’. People who dump should stop selfishly thinking of themselves and consider whose life they a impinging upon. They need to own up to the responsibility that is wholly theirs!!
This woman’s behavior was appalling. It happens quite often outside the headquarters of the rescue group I work with. They adopt out as many as they can or find fosterers. Those deemed unadoptable are housed there and they have been pretty successful in finding farms that will accept some ferals.
That situation is urgent and takes priority over any of the current fosterers’ desires to adopt out their own for a while. I stepped aside, also, with the two remaining kits that had been already planned to be adopted out the following week. That’s just the way it has to be so rescue groups can stay viable and not get over their heads.
Even though I can’t condone this woman’s actions, there are so many more worse things that happen to unwanted cats than this.