Abductors of Mr No Ears say he is dead

Last picture of Mr No Ears
The last picture of Mr. No Ears with his colony.

Mr No Ears is dead. This is what the people who abducted him tell us in a private message on Facebook. For those unfamiliar with Mr No Ears, in summary he is (or was) an all-white semi-feral cat living on the Algarve, Portugal where he was part of a cat colony tended to by a charity: Amigos dos Gatos do Algarve (AGA). They were providing the colony of cats including Mr No Ears (MNE) with some TLC and a decent life. Then their world was turned upside down by a couple, Andreia Martins and Paulo Baptista, who abducted Mr No Ears because he was famous.

See the original page about Mr No Ears for background, if you wish.

Justice for Mr No Ears
Justice for Mr No Ears

I allege that they did it to make money by exploiting people’s love of this cat. They claimed the cat needed constant medical treatment. As far as we know the treatment MNE received harmed him.

Legal proceedings were started by AGA for his return. The proceedings. Recently, on 11th November 2016, AGA on their Facebook page tell us that the Portugese court (Tribunal Judicial da Comarca de Faro, Albufeira) has come to a decision about MNE’s abduction.

“It has been established that Mr No Eats belongs to Amigos dos Gatos do Algarve and he disappeared because he was taken by the defendant. One allegation remains in dispute. It needs to be proven that he was taken without AGA’s consent and knowledge. The trial date has been set for 11 Januay 2017”.

Court's decision
Court’s decision

That is the court’s judgement. It is good but a bit silly in one way. The court questions if the defendants (Andreia Martins and Paulo Baptista) had been given permission to take MNE. The answer is obvious: of course there was no permission otherwise why make an application to court in the first place.

Anyway, good news but now for the bad news. The defendants (the abductors of MNE) have said that the cat has died. They say he was put to sleep due to due to organ failure.

“We continue to believe that MNE is still alive until proven otherwise. His abductors have perpetrated so many lies. We will never give up on Mr. No Ears, ever.” – Frances A Danna.

Mr No Ears has died
Mr No Ears has died?

Note: Quite suddenly all the links to the images concerning MNE on the AGA Facebook page have become broken. I can’t access them. This is very strange. However, I was able to salvage the image above.

In response to the news that NME has died AGA’s lawyer has requested that the court ask Andreia Martins to provide ‘Proof of life’. I presume this will be discussed at the next court hearing.

This is a long, sad saga of a beautiful but disabled cat who touched the hearts of perhaps millions of people. His life was stable and as good as it could have been. Then two people mucked it all up. They are allegedly liars and cheats. The court has confirmed that they took MNE. Bad people have conspired to mess up the life of a vulnerable cat yet again.

If MNE is dead then we can say that at last he is at peace. He is over the rainbow bridge to a better place.


3 thoughts on “Abductors of Mr No Ears say he is dead”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I do not believe Mr No Ears is dead. I believe it is a further ploy by the abductors trying to find way to keep him.
    A further point: Mr No Ears has one eye and no ears – he ids NOT disabled.

  3. So disturbing. I don’t believe that he is dead. All I can say is that there are more than a handful that love this cat and wish they would compromise.

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