Abyssinian Cat Photo

by Michael
(London, UK)

I’d like to show you perhaps the best Abyssinian cat photo. If it is not the best it is one of the best. It was taken by Helmi Flick who, however, is definitely the best cat photographer.

I think a cat photograph should try and reflect the character as well as the appearance of the cat. That, though, is quite a tricky assignment.

Maggie Sharp, a regular contributor lives with an Abyssinian cat, Chilli, so she will be able to leave a comment if I have made a mistake on character.

My immediate thoughts about the Abyssinian cat is that they are active and inquisitive. I make that assessment without reference to any source of information.

Checking out the books the Abyssinian is described as “attention-demanded” (Dr. Bruce Fogle The Encyclopedia of the Cat). He also says that that they are natural athletes who like to investigate almost anything. That though is a typical domestic cat trait.

Gloria Stephens (legacy of the cat) says that the Abyssinian lets you know when they want attention echoing Dr. Fogle’s assessment. She also refers to the inquisitiveness of the Abyssinian.

On that basis Helmi’s photo is truly great….

Abyssinian cat photo by Helmi Flick
Ruddy Abyssinian, “Hobgoblin” Photo copyight Helmi Flick – please respect it.

I love this Abyssinian cat photo. It is so active and dynamic. Hobgoblin is stalking the cat tease that Ken Flick is using to direct Hobgoblin into desired positions.

This is not a science as can be imagined. Some cats will refuse to respond but most respond to a cat tease and a lot respond in the way that Ken wants them to respond. This is down to experience essentially.

Helmi Flick adds her knowledge about the Abyssinian cat character. She says that they are very active and the ticked coat enhances their muscular bodies. Helmi confirms what Gloria Stephens and Dr Fogle say, namely that this is a particularly inquisitive breed of cat.

That inquisitiveness is beautifully brought out in this splendid Abyssinian cat photo of real quality.

On a technical point, if as is the case here, if the cat is moving a lot on the “catwalk” they can move out of frame. Remember that cats can move fast and the moment when the composition comes together is fleeting. Helmi captures these moments superbly but in this instance Hobgoblin was slightly out of frame as his hind legs and part of his tail where missing from the photo.

Helmi is able to correct these “defects” that are almost bound to occur from time to time by post production editing using the appropriate software. She does a great job at that too.

The photo on this page is protected by copyright ©. Violations of copyright are reported to Google.com (DMCA).

I hope that you enjoy this Abyssinian cat photo as much as I do.

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Abyssinian cat photo to Abyssinian cat

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Abyssinian Cat Photo

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Jun 18, 2010Name
by: MichaelMaggie, yes his name is Hobgoblin. The first time I published this page the name was incorrect.

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Jun 17, 2010Hobgoblin
by: Maggie Sharp Ah, his name is Hobgoblin, I thought there was something about his name that didn’t quite look right.. Anyway, I think he might be Aradia Fenwick Isles Hobgoblin, from Aradia or L’Aradia Abys… They’re in PA, USA I think…

Jun 16, 2010Stunning
by: Tracey (England) An amazing work of art; Helmi is truly gifted. Also very stunning cat.

Jun 16, 2010Hobgoblin
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA) Just breathtaking.

Jun 16, 2010A sprinter
by: Finn Frode, Denmark A wonderful picture that does the Aby full credit.
The cat looks like a 100 meter sprinter that has just left the starting block. Also reminiscent of Eadweard Muybridge classic series of photos of a horse running. Like that I bet Hobgoblin’s feet hardly touches the ground when in full speed… 😉

Jun 16, 2010Aby
by: Dorothy Stunning…just stunning.

Jun 16, 2010Nobgoblin
by: Maggie Sharp I might have a look around and find out who owns Nobgoblin, he’s a very good quality cat, I can see that he’s got a wonderful profile, exceptional colouring, nice long legs and a lovely tail; not too long, yet not too short… You don’t happen to have any more photos of him, do you? You are very much correct, Michael, particularly in the ‘attention damanding’ area. If an Aby wants attention he or she WILL get it! =)

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