Accused Oregon Cat Killer Headed to Court March 30

An Oregon man charged July 24, 2015 with one count of first-degree aggravated animal abuse, first-degree animal abuse, first-degree aggravated animal neglect and first-degree theft is set for court March 30, 2016. 

Ted Dodenhoff and Titan

Theodore Alberta Dodenhoff, 49, of Salem allegedly tortured Titan, a 9-year-old tabby who had been with with his family since he was a kitten. Dodenhoff trapped Titan on his property and is said to have committed acts that led to Titan’s death, all in the presence of his young son. According to Salem Police Department Lt. Debbie Aguilar, Titan died of heat exposure.

Justice for Titan
Justice for Titan Facebook

An October 11 Facebook: Justice for Titan, the cat trapped in Salem, OR and left to die stated:

“We now know that several (5-7) cats have mysteriously gone missing from this neighborhood recently. We know that TITAN wasn’t just trapped and left to die, he was put in a cage and tortured and dissected. He didn’t die quickly. TITAN was found in a garbage can. He was turned in because a child in the household decided to show some friends what “they” do to cats.”

Now a local animal advocate, who wants to be known only as Jalinda due to the threat of retaliation by Dodenhoff, has made it her mission to see he’s punished to the fullest extent of Oregon law. In a March 26 interview with KATU News Jalinda stated:

“He trapped him and he was in a trap for up to a week. This cat was left outside in the heat and the sun for one week with nothing. The cat died a horrible, terrible death of dehydration, starvation and sun exposure. These kinds of crimes – they need to not go unpunished.”

The petition, found here, is demanding Dodenhoff be given the maximum penalty. More than 8,000 have signed the petition at the time of this article. The case is being handled by special prosecutor Jake Kamins, an Animal Legal Defense Fund lawyer who specializes in cases involving abused animals. 

KATU News attempted to visit with Dodenhoff, but a person at his home reported he was at work. No response was received when the news station messaged him on Facebook and by phone. Titan’s owners weren’t home to speak with KATU News, but Jalinda says they’re heartbroken.

Please take a moment to sign the petition. Hopefully the judge will do the right thing and punish Dodenhoff to the max for killing this poor cat.

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Sources: 1 and 2

9 thoughts on “Accused Oregon Cat Killer Headed to Court March 30”

  1. I know this is a year-and-a-half later, but I’m really surprised the child protective services did not step in for the boy. They have stepped in for relatively innocent actions in the past, removing kids from a home they deem unsafe for far less an offense. By now everyone knows what happens to kids who torture animals. It greatly increases their odds of becoming sociopathic toward humans, too. So I would be very surprised if the child was not removed. Does anyone know? As for Titan, God rest his soul, and continue to heal his family. 💔

  2. I tried like hell to make it today but lack of transportation kept me here. I would’ve started crying if I was there anyway. What I was trying to get the courts to do beforehand was get his son counseling so he can grow up with a healthy mind. What happened there?

  3. Yea it all worked. The scum got 30 days. I’m writing it up now so Michael has it in the morning. As for the judge, when he dies, I hope Titan gets to determine where he spends eternity.

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