
thanks cardEach page carries credits and material sources. I am particularly indebted to:

  • Helmi Flick a renown cat photographer and a lady
  • Helmi’s husband Ken, the cat wrangler, a very important role
  • Dani Rozeboom a fine cat photographer and cattery owner and Rick her partner
  • Cat breeders who have contributed and been credited on the page in question
  • Fickr photographers under Creative Commons (CC) and Flickr individuals who granted permission when not under CC
  • Webshot photographers
  • YouTube for hosting my videos and providing useful videos
  • Pip MacGarry and Richard Brown, big cat and wild animal artists (big cat limited editions page)
  • Deviant Art website and the talented photographers and artist who use that website and allow downloads
  • Google for their fantastic software such as Picasa, Google Docs, Google Analytics and particularly Google Blogger. I use all these all the time and they work almost flawlessly and when they don’t Google fixes it quickly. Oh, and they’re all free. I strongly recommend that people make the most of these.
  • Dr. Ken Evoy, the Chairman of SiteSell and his team, who taught me how to make a website work

As at April 2010, I would like to add a bit to this page. One of the great joys to me of running this site is to receive the submissions of visitors.

I am always pleased to publish these. They bring a valuable alternative viewpoint and real, live experiences to the site. One of the more popular subjects is feral cats. There are many people who do the right thing and help. They talk about their experiences.

Without the revenue from two major sources, this site would not be able to donate as it does to a wide range of cat charities. I therefore thank Google again for inventing Adsense (I know it makes them rich too) and Casale Media, who are a reliable and decent company to work with.

In all cases permission has been granted. On a few occasions I have used photographs without express authority and made that clear. I believe these photographs are by implication free of copyright restrictions as they are widely circulated.

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