Advice Please on Breeding British Shorthair Cats

by Rebecca Todd
(Cheshire, UK)

I live in Cheshire and bought two British Blue kittens from a local breeder. They are both girls. One is called Tallulah and the other Bluebella. They are now 18 months old and I am thinking of breeding them. They are pedigree but did not come with a certificate.

Tallulah recently got into the top twelve in a competition with Felix cat food out of 5k entrants.

She is beautiful and even tries to groom me thinking I am a cat!

Please advise me the best way to breed. Can I put an advert out for a local male British Blue cat and pay the owner?


Advice Please on Breeding British Shorthair Cats to British Shorthair Cat

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Advice Please on Breeding British Shorthair Cats

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Sep 20, 2011
by: Michael

I know it is ages since you wrote this but I would be interested to know how you got on.

You want to breed purebred cats but do not have a certificate to prove that they are purebred. To be purebred they have to have a pedigree with a cat association for three years or more.

The breeder you bought from appears not to have sold you a purebred cat.

I would not breed a random bred cat or a British Shorthair mix. No point to it because on a purely commercial basis they are not worth much.

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