After four tumultuous marriages she prefers animals

Doris DayWho wouldn’t? How many people have given up on the idea of marriage and decided that it is better to have a relationship with a cat or a dog?

There comes a time when it dawns on a person that marriage is not going to work for them. It is a sad revelation because almost everyone is indoctrinated into believing that marriage is the gateway to happiness and a good life.

When you have had four marriages, three of which lasted under five years and some of which were allegedly violent, you can end up trying something different. In the case of Doris Day she turned to animals for companionship.

It was more than companionship. Doris Day has a great love of animals. I think she prefers dogs. However she has helped many cats and her World Spay Day initiative has neutered and spayed 6,388 cats since 2008. Ms Day’s charitable foundation has donated $385,000 to HSUS for neutering services since 2008. Over 15 years this initiative has spayed and neutered 1.5 million animals.

One of the cat charities her foundation has made a grant to is cat adoption center in shopping Mall, called Tabbytown.

Doris Day is 91 at the date of this post (28th Oct 2013) and reclusive. We are told that she used to have a house full of dogs but only two or three now for safety reasons. She has a few aches and pains as is to be expected at 91. However, Doris Day says in an audio message on her website that she is fine and has not given away her dogs. She blames the tabloids for lying about her. She sounds fine and talks about the success of her World Spay Day operation.

Doris Day’s animal charity is the world famous: Doris Day Animal Foundation. Personally, I have always been a bit of a fan of Doris Day for both her voice and her love of animals.

I would expect that older people are more likely to give up on marriage having tried it, done it and got the T-shirt. Actually, it isn’t just about marriage, it is about cohabiting.

There has been a 73% increase in divorce rates for men over 60 in the UK since 19912. The figures for women are similar. Three reasons are suggested by the government:

  • We are living longer
  • Loss of stigma in getting divorced
  • Women are more independent financially

Perhaps another reason is that it can be better living alone with a cat than with someone you are constantly arguing with.

  1. Note: Picture is almost certainly in the public domain.

36 thoughts on “After four tumultuous marriages she prefers animals”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Yes he probably isn’t allowed out much so he has to stay home and troll away all day. How sad that he thinks women with cats who don’t need a man are damaged goods perhaps he was spurned by a woman in favour of a life with her cat because she sees him as the complete freak he clearly is.

  3. lol Michael you could have a long conversation with our Walter too, he always has a lot to say, but he doesn’t hold hands, I wonder if I tell him that Charlie does, he might consider it lol

  4. Yes, shame the human was a bit slow! But, I have to laugh at Ms. Cat’s tactics, which were indeed quite effective.

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