This is a weird situation which I fail to understand. The Animal Control Officer (ACO) of Glades County has resigned and is leaving on August 12. We are told in a Facebook post from Glades County Animal Control (see below) that all the animals at the pound remaining at the time of the ACO’s departure will be put to sleep (aka killed or euthanised). Update: the next day I have learned that all the animals will be trandfered to another shelter (SPCA of Brevard County Adoption Center).

Aug 12 is Monday week. Seventeen cats/kittens and 13 dogs are currently at the pound. If these 30 companion animals are not re-homed by Aug 12 it will be their last day on the planet.
Winknews reports that the shelter will remain open so I can’t see the link between an ACO quitting and 30 animals being killed because why is there no replacement?
Anthony Leichtweiss has the same thought:
“Anthony Leichtweiss: No one is forcing you to kill these Animals. What’s stopping you from not murdering them?”
Anyway below is the FB post. If people in the right place can share I am sure it will help.