All He Needed Was A Hug

by Michael

It’ll make you shed a little tear. This is about a dog but it could be about any creature really. Certainly the same reaction and effect can be seen in the domestic cat. OK the type of behavior that a cat displays when scared will be somewhat different but the reason behind that behavior will be the same and the cure will be the same as well.

As you will see in the video Edie was about to be euthanised at a shelter. Until someone really nice and caring had another idea.

I am sure Elisa sees similar things. And I know Elisa is one of those life saving, caring people.

Scared dogs and cats present difficult behavior to shelter employees. They become difficult to handle and probably fail the loosely applied tests as to whether the cat or dog is adoptable. A fail means death.

Yet, sometimes, most times, all they need is a hug….


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All He Needed Was A Hug

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Feb 28, 2012
All they need is a hug !! NEW
by: Anonymous

Friends of PoC:
Absolutely agree, they’re times when everyone includes cats/dogs ALL they need is a hug, assuring them someone cares about them.
Surely it’s the norm with most humans then why not animals as well?
Our latest rescue Scarlett O’Hair (Gone With The Wind)will walk to see what I’m doing & lovingly butt my head with hers, simply saying “I care about you, thanks for all you do” unspoken but very meaningful.
Great day to all !!
Southeast Arizona

Feb 28, 2012
seen this behaviour before NEW
by: leanne

we have had dogs and other animals display behaviour like this, it is pure fear and it is just because everything is new and different and how can any animal that has been neglected, abused or just taken away from everything that they know, understand what is happening, even if it has been a bad home its been the only thing they’ve known, and losing all that is too much sometimes for them. we once got a small yorkshire terrier x in who bit my hand quite badly after the owner basically threw the poor little thing into my arms, terrified, he panicked and attacked me. people dont stop to think what their actions are doing to animals. people like bronwyn and everyone in the rescue world will see this sort of thing a lot, the people who abuse and abandon animals don’t see this, they’ve got rid of their ‘problem’, they’ve already taken the easy way out! they all settle down eventually, they just need lots of TLC. well done for rescuing edie.

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