Allegedly some cats eat the pellets of the Tidy Cats Breeze Litter System

Tidy Cats Breeze System
Tidy Cats Breeze System

This information may have been superseded by further events. It’s rather strange but some people have asked why the Cat Breeze litter system was discontinued. As far as I am aware it has not been discontinued. However, if you dig around on Amazon checking out the reviews you will find that there is a danger (and I don’t know how small it is) that cats or kittens using the litter may on occasions eat the pellets.

For a currently inexplicable reason, some cat owners claim that their cats are attracted to the pellets as food. I don’t know how the manufacturer, Purina, dealt with this issue. However, on the face of it, it’s a serious issue, quite obviously.

Blockage in cat's bowels due to eating Tidy Cats Breeze System pellets
Blockage in cat’s bowels due to eating Tidy Cats Breeze System pellets. Supplied by Jacquelyn K.

There is one instance of a cat eating the Breeze System pellets occasionally. The cat’s owner complained to customer services at Tidy Cat and was reassured that the pellets were non-toxic and would break down and pass through the cat’s system without harm. The owner relied on the information but discovered that her cat developed a bowel blockage which actually killed him. In addition, she had veterinary costs of US$3,000. The photograph above is an x-ray from that particular comment written by “Jacquelyn K.”

The reviews are generally good for this product at four stars out of five from 4,500 reviews. However, if there is even a remote danger that a cat might need the pellets and suffer an intestinal blockage then I would argue, with respect, that the product is unsafe.

I’m not sure whether this problem is linked to the question on, “Why was the Cat Breeze litter system discontinued?” I don’t think it is discontinued but perhaps it is at a certain geographical location. Perhaps someone can enlighten me. Have you use this cat litter system?

It is a novel system in which the pellets are not soft and absorbent. The cat’s urine passes through the pellets into an absorbent pad below. Faeces remain at the top layer amongst the pellets where they can be scooped up. There is something in the pellets which can confuse some cat into believing that they are food.

Tidy Cats has another problem with cat litter namely their lightweight litter which created too most dust and which created serious health problems for cats through inhaling the dust. I have two pages on this one a review (see link above) in the other based upon information provided by an employee in the factory explains how the litter is made.

19 thoughts on “Allegedly some cats eat the pellets of the Tidy Cats Breeze Litter System”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. AnneMarie, thanks for commenting. I am so sad for your loss. Would u like to tell me some more? I might be able to write about this some more and deter cat owners from suffering from the same loss and pain?

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