Allowing your cat to get this obese should be a criminal matter

Sprinkles the 33-pound cat from New Jersey is so fat she can’t even roll over and she’s equally as fat as a 700-pound human, say rescue workers.

obese cat due to poor cat caretaking

Allowing your cat to get this obese should be a criminal matter. It is a form of animal cruelty because, through negligence, the cat is allowed to suffer either through unnecessary ill-health or an inability to do the usual activities because if immobility. It appears that no one considers this animal abuse.

In the UK the Animal Welfare Act states:

(1) A person commits an offence if—

(a) an act of his, or a failure of his to act, causes an animal to suffer,
(b) he knew, or ought reasonably to have known, that the act, or failure to act, would have that effect or be likely to do so,
(c) the animal is a protected animal, and
(d) the suffering is unnecessary.

Well, if a vet could certify that this cat has suffered unnecessarily because of inadequate cat caretaking it could be argued that the owner has a committed an offence.

It is time that something was done about the epidemic of obese domestic cats in the West (55% of cats and dogs in America are obese) . If people want to eat themselves to an early grave, all well and good, except that it burdens health services, but when they impose their sloppy eating habits on their cats, it is an abuse and unacceptable.

Nothing is being done to stem the upsurge in domestic cat obesity. Year-on-year the percentage of obese cats seems to rise. It is in the hands of people to decide to manage their cat’s food intact properly or face the consequences. Sometimes people need to be forced to change their ways. You can’t leave it to people to do it voluntarily. It won’t happen. In general, the human is too weak.

6 thoughts on “Allowing your cat to get this obese should be a criminal matter”

  1. You took the words right out of my mouth! I am way too familiar with the carb-addiction! I, too, suffer from it. Another dangerous and addictive substance is High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) which is also added to foods. People should stand up and demand that pet food manufacturers make better quality pet food at the same affordable prices. It can be done.

  2. Thanks to “Guiness Book of World Records” for no more including the “World’s Heaviest cat” in its record books. The last recorded heavyweight cat in the 1980’s was “HIMMY” from Australia.Seems according to the photo that “Sprinkles” could have beaten “Himmy’s” record or come close to it. I feel sad for the cat, a freak of nature due to human indulgence.

  3. Ofcourse it should be a criminal offense. And, parents should be jailed, too, for allowing their kids to become obese whether they have an innate illness or not.
    We need to act as Big Brother in this situation. We are the judge and jury of all living things. That gives us the right to criticize the caretaking of kids and animals.
    Let’s not be stupid!

  4. I think it’s criminal, negligent, and abusive, but ignorance is at work here once again. And, what about the vet’s responsibility?

    Companion animals and people are growing fat because of a high carbohydrate diet. Dry, convenience pet food is the equivalent of chips, donuts, fast food, and all manner of processed foods. Excess carbs are shortening our lives, and that of our pet’s. Obesity is a controllable, life threatening disease, but carbs are as addictive as tobacco and some drugs. We are under their spell, and only the threat of life threatening illness or death, can wake some of us up.

    I hear people say of dry cat food “Oh, but she loves it!” They don’t realize that it’s sprayed with an addictive substance, and hardly believe it when I tell them. Nor do they believe that most pet food is made from dead and diseased cats and dogs, along with other unhealthy animal tissue.

    Recently an intelligent person asked me if that’s on the ingredient label. I responded “Would you buy it, if it was?”

    I’m beginning to see a revolution from pet guardians, who know and accept the “difficult truth” of pet food and vets, in addition to the collusion that exists between them.

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