Greenville Humane Society provide a cat spaying/neutering, vacation, flea treatment, subcutaneous fluid and ear tipping service for customers bringing in feral cats in carriers at $35 for males and $45 for females. This is £27 in UK money. I think this is amazing value. What a service. They even provide traps for a ten day hire at $45 to people who are not doing much trapping. It saves people buying traps.

They ear tip all the cats that pass through their service. Their opening hours are 7:30 and to 10:00 am for drop off and 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm for pick up. They say that for feral cats the required drop off time is 10 am.
The cats must be over 8 weeks old and over 2 pounds in weight. They are a walk-in clinic and don’t accept appointments. Call the Vaccine Clinic at (864) 263-5611.
For comparison, in the UK, Cats Protection, a large nationwide cat charity provides a neutering/spaying service under the heading ‘Financial Assistance’ implying that this is a discount service at £40-£80 for males and £50-£100 for females. At the top price this is $102 and $127. Quite a difference and this is just for neutering and spaying. This is no where near as good.
The RSPCA provide a limited reduced cost veterinary service. For example the RSPCA’s Putney Animal Hospital “provide a limited, reduced cost, subsidised service for clients from our local community who meet certain requirements”. Recipients have to be on welfare benefits such as Job Seekers Allowance. Once again this far less good than the Greenville Humane Society offering.
Americans should be proud of their discount spaying and neutering services. I am envious.