America Dominates Cat Website Visits

People from which country visit PoC? The chart below answers the question and informs us that the USA is completely dominant in respect of the domestic cat “marketplace”. There is far more total interest in the domestic cat in America than any other country. I would expect that the interest per person is the same of similar to the UK but, of course, the USA is a much larger country.

The figures come from Alexa, which is a website data company owned by Amazon. I am sure these figures are similar for other cat websites by which I mean the main players are the US, UK, Canada and Australia and I must mention India, which is very definitely an emerging domestic cat market.

China is totally out of the picture, which I have always found extraordinary. It has the world’s largest population and should provide a great source of internet visits to cat websites but no.

It appears that (a) they are not that interested in the domestic cat and (b) they have their own search engine (Google is not present in China) which probably does not find all the cat websites based in the West. The search results are probably censored but I am not sure.

I’d like someone to tell me what is going on with China.

4 thoughts on “America Dominates Cat Website Visits”

  1. I set up a social media page back in 2010 mainly for my dog friends. Somehow it turned into a page with Brazil residents speaking their native language on the social media page. So when I visit it I use Google to post. And for some strange reason my friends on that page listed to any needs I have as far as liking and sharing animals.

  2. Good point Michele. It is possible to translate to a reasonable level I believe using Google Translate.

    Perhaps this is a major obstacle to China engaging in the mainstream cat websites.

    What I might do is do a test and translate one page of the site to Chinese using a translator so it is done to a high standard and see what happens!

  3. The fact that the main visitors are from predominantly English speaking countries, suggests to me that it’s more about the language used than the subject matter.

    During my internet searches I’ve come across some interesting sites in Russian or Japanese. Though I wasn’t always able to translate the text, I could see from the photos that were interested in some of the same stories as us. Youtube is a good example of interest in cats from non-English speaking countries.

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