An example of how cats can select you as a companion

Nirvana - a wee female kitten who selected her human companion
Nirvana – a wee female kitten who selected her human companion

“I said no three times at the SPCA because I’m not a cat person.”

This guy was at an SPCA animal shelter. He says that he is not a cat person. One of the cats came up to him, sat on his lap and purred. The SPCA lady said:

“How? She won’t let anyone hold her!”

Three days later his girlfriend told him that the cat had been adopted. He asked her by who and she replied, ‘us!’

They named her Nirvana. She is a cute grey tabby-and-white.

A top comment (typical of users):

“Poor guy got scammed into adopting an adorable ball of fluff. Can’t imagine he’ll ever recover.”

I am sure there are thousands of occasions in cat shelters where this happens every day.

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