The last time I saw a picture like this, a group of adult cats with exactly the same coats, the reason was unrestrained breeding by a well-meaning rescuer who failed to ensure that the cats that she rescued were sterilised.
This group of cats looks to me like they are part of an extended family. So the parents were not sterilised and they produced offspring and the offspring were not sterilised and they produced offspring and so on. Unless that cycle is stopped you can end up with an inordinate number of cats.
Inevitably, something happens and the person seeks help or is exposed by neighbours and the cats are sterilised by a rescue organisation. That is the normal scenario.
Of course, I am speculating. The reason why I have selected this video and this still picture from the video is because it looks interesting. I always think that when you have a bunch of cats with identical coats together it looks fascinating but the back story isn’t that good, normally.