An old black cat: Tooty


I’d love it, if someone adopted Tooty this weekend at Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, London, UK. She is black and she is 15 years old. This is not a great start in the world of unwanted cats.

Old age and the colour black are not considered attractive to adopters. Unwanted cats enter a very competitive world.

For me, Tooty is a beautiful cat. She’d be a fine companion to someone.

Tooty is a very affectionate and friendly cat. It seems she prefers to be an only cat in a home without children. This indicates that she likes some quiet, which, by the way, is totally normal. Most, if not all cats, like a calm environment.

If she is a cat that is more nervous than typical, it’s not a big problem. In fact, it is a benefit in the long term. Nervous cats bond more closely with a caring person than more relaxed cats.

A person adopting a cat should think about:

  • managing the relationship. Be kind, be gentle and be patient. She will learn to love you and your patience will be rewarded a thousand times.
  • creating a cat friendly environment: quiet, routine, good food and physical contact with your cat.
  • Ignoring the cat’s colour and the cat’s age. These are irrelevant. Focus on what you can do for your cat. The more you throw out convention and your preferences, and the more you can focus on what you can do for your cat, the more successful the relationship will be. Trust me on that.

Adopting a rescue cat is not about what the cat can do for you in improving your life. It is about what you can do for your cat. Taking that approach, you’ll be so much happier in your relationship with your cat over the years ahead.

6 thoughts on “An old black cat: Tooty”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I have a close association with a cat rescue group called Sheltering Hands. Tooty is exactly the type of cat that they would match with an active elderly person. It would be perfection.

  3. I hope someone adopts Tooty, she is beautiful, very like our Ebony who died 5 years ago and she was one of the most sweet natured cats you could meet. Although she did once slit a vet’s thumb open lol but it served him right for being rough.
    I wonder what Tooty is doing in the Home, what has happened to her caretaker?

  4. I think so and looking healthy for a 15 year old rescue cat. Nice to see her being advertised for adoption. I don’t think she would have been in many shelters.

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