The city of Blue Mountains in Australia is surrounded by a national park. There are special rules in the city and environs about outside cats preying on wildlife because wildlife in that area is particularly important to the local authority. Cats preying on wildlife can be legally trapped and placed in a shelter or returned to their owner.
However, residents of the area are reporting that 65 cats have gone missing. One woman found her cat strung up under the branch of a tree; basically hanged. Another woman found her cat strung up by a leg. The cat was alive but has a permanent limp. Many others wait for the return of their cat.
To all intents and purposes there is strong circumstantial evidence indicating that there are vigilantes roaming around the streets of Blue Mountains killing outside cats at will and doing it in an overt and sadistic way to send a message to cat owners. Despite this the local council has not received any complaints about missing cats and neither has the RSPCA. This is extraordinary because residents are talking amongst themselves about missing cats and talking to the press about it while those charged with enforcing the law haven’t heard about it.
There is obviously a massive disconnect between the citizens and the authorities. Either that or the council is being less than honest. I suspect that they do know about it and don’t mind if it continues. These are multiple crimes being ignored.
My reading of the story indicates that the city of Blue Mountains is a place where the greatest proportion of people who hate cats live. If that is true then it also contains the greatest proportion of cat owners who are neglectful and careless with their cats because they let them roam outside in full knowledge that there are vigilantes out there killing them. Then they complain about their missing cats. That’s equally extraordinary in my opinion.
I have dictated this from memory because the source of the story is The Daily Telegraph in Australia but I can’t access the page again without paying a subscription. Therefore I cannot return to the story for verification. However, as mentioned, the surprising aspect of it is the very large number of cats going missing, cat owners continuing to let their cats go outside and thirdly neither the police, the RSPCA, nor the local authority know anything about it. It’s anarchy.
P.S. Comments from known trolls and cat haters will not be published and deleted.
Me too 😉
If I saw someone hurting my cat they’d get it equally in return. Plus about 12 hard kicks to the head.
What the troll wants is all out war on cats. BTW cats are not manmade they domesticated largely on their own and to human benefit.
FYI in case the troll can read all animals adapt to predation so one study in one year is not a true indication of how many birds are being lost in an ongoing number. Nature is not stuck in a rut and animals are really rather clever.
My own observation Michael was that after I put up feeders to entertain my indoor cats that over a period of about 10 years the number and variety of birds increased despite the fact that my negligent relatives were running a feral cat breeding program next door.
That said I do and firmly believe that our domestic pets belong on their owners property or in their homes and we no longer live in a society where free range pets are acceptable.
Once again cats are not manmade predators.
Rather strangely, you are replying to your own comment. In any case, you must remind yourself that in the article I have made it clear that the people concerned should have kept their cats confined. You fail to mention that. These people should realise that there are cat haters around like yourself who like to kill cats. They have a duty to look after their cats and protect them against people like you. You never mention the fact that humans are the biggest killers of wildlife on the planet by far. They probably kill a hundred times more wildlife and cats do. You conveniently ignore that simple fact but I can’t quote supporting evidence for it but common sense dictates that it is true and I am including that the wild cats. You conveniently also fail to discuss wild cat species.
I am always open to discussion. I am always open to the alternative viewpoint and see the sense of pet confinement but you have a completely closed mind and you are incapable of being polite when discussing the domestic and feral cat and their predation on wildlife. This is an uncomfortable and unpleasant aspect of your character. You cannot rein it in. With that attitude you will never be accepted on forums. And you will never be able to get your argument across.
I have publish your comments this time for the simple fact that I do not like censorship. Sometimes it is forced upon me by your gross impoliteness but if I can I will publish because we need to hear the alternative viewpoint and we need to respect the viewpoint of others. However, sadly, you are like a bad record, a broken record or a tape on a loop. You constantly repeat the same thing without proper supporting evidence and you constantly tell us that people who love cats are horrible “cat lickers”.
You are as mad as a broomstick. You are as mad as a barrel full of frogs. Go away and leave us alone.
As you have continued to insult people including me on this page I will have to ban you. Secondly you constantly quote figures and charts et cetera but nobody truthfully knows how much predation of wildlife goes on by outside cats including feral cats. They are all based upon rather small studies. The figures are then extrapolated to cover the entire country. Therefore these figures are unreliable. Cat haters like yourself like to use them to promote your agenda. You will have to do better than that. Henceforth you are banned.
And as far as all pet-owners go, you’re even THE WORST for global-warming issues.
You’ve got absolutely no defense to your overwhelming reprehensible actions. NONE, none at all.