Angel Cats Do Watch Over Us: A Miraculous Kitty Event

“I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through.” ~ Jules Verne

Many passionate cat lovers are certain that their beloved angel kitties do watch over us from the great beyond. I have often wondered if this could possibly be true….that is until last weekend, when a truly unique, serendipitous event occurred; the event that made me into a true believer.

Siamese cat painting
Portrait Painting by Rani Merens
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As many of my friends may remember, almost six months ago, Dr. Hush Puppy, our deeply cherished lilac point Oriental Shorthair made his final journey to the Rainbow Bridge, My husband Marty and I still miss him profoundly. And even though I know that he lives in our hearts eternally, his death has left a huge hole in our lives.

I suspect that Dr. Hush Puppy is aware of our sorrow because for two nights in a row last week he appeared to me in dreams. He was happy and purring up a storm. His visit was so real that I could feel his silky soft coat on my hand.

A couple of days after those vividly realistic dreams, my friend Rani Merens called me to tell me that she had a gift for us; one that would make us very happy. She asked that Marty meet her at her art class to get it. Marty said that he would stop by the class on his way to go food shopping.

Marty returned home from shopping but didn’t greet me. He seemed extremely distraught, mumbling loudly, “Oh my God, oh no . . . where is it?” and he ran out the door. I thought that he had lost his cell phone or wallet. However, several hours later Marty came home again, this time in a much better mood. And the story he related caused goose pimples up and down my spine.

The first thing he did was to show me the amazing gift Rani had created just for us. It was a magnificent portrait of Dr. Hush Puppy painted in oil on a small canvas. The background was painted in a brilliant turquoise blue.

Marty said, “You will never believe what I am about to tell you. I picked up our gift from Rani at her art class, and then visited the Farmer’s Market which is in the same building. I stashed the produce into the car, and then drove off to the supermarket for the groceries.

“The first thing I did when I drove into the garage was to get out the painting to show it to you. But the painting wasn’t there! Then I remembered that as I was putting the produce into the car, I must have put the painting on the roof of the car and drove off unaware that it was there.

I drove back to the art class and inquired if anyone had seen the painting. I checked in the Farmer’s market and into the garbage cans. No such luck- no one had found it. So I decided to retrace all my steps and drive back toward the supermarket. When I turned the corner, out of the corner of my eye I spotted something turquoise in the road. I pulled over to investigate, with cars flying by just missing it. It was the painting! I ran into the middle of the road, cars passing me by – and snatched it up immediately. Incredibly it was in perfect condition.”

Now some people may think that this was just a coincidence. But we believe that it had to be Dr. Hush Puppy watching over it to protect it from harm. With the abundance of cars driving by for almost two hours; how else could it have been missed and not smashed into smithereens?

Do you believe that our angel kitties can and do perform miracle acts of love? Tell us your opinion in a comment.

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15 thoughts on “Angel Cats Do Watch Over Us: A Miraculous Kitty Event”

  1. And if your cat was really watching over that painting to protect if from harm, your cat wouldn’t have let your hubby forget it was on the roof of the car in the first place. If your cat WAS watching over that painting, your cat was actually trying to get it destroyed. What a miracle. (insert major eyeroll)

  2. I have no doubt at all about this. Several of my dogs that have crossed have visited me. Occasionally I can hear the tap taps of my little Yorkie’s footprints in the bathroom just off of my bedroom. Without any doubt, I know it is her. I have also had other very vivid dreams aout others who have passed that I loved so very dearly. I am a true believer.

  3. No miracle, no mysticism. Drivers are taught to and instinctively watch for any debris in a road and try to avoid it. Lest the debris get flipped-up into the undercarriage and cause damage to the car, pull the steering into a dangerous situation, lifted into the air to hit another vehicle behind, or there be some nails or sharp metal in the debris that would flatten tires. It being painted a bright color would also help them to evade harming their own cars with your cat image…

    remainder deleted as rude (admin)

    • A few months ago, my son picked me up after my art class and put the 2 canvases I was working on on top of his truck while loading my wheelchair and painting gear into the truck bed. He forgot about the canvases and when he turned onto 17-92,the canvases went flying into the road. He pulled over to retrieve them, but several drivers ran over and crunched one of them. My son, of course, felt terrible. I had to cut the remains of the canvas off the crushed stretchers and use it as a reference to start it anew on a fresh canvas.

      As I was typing the above paragraph, Jo called me. I asked her where did Marty find the painting of Puppy. Answer : by the entrance to the Publix shopping center. Which is around the corner less than 2 blocks away.

      It’s a high-traffic area and the drivers would rather hit a little 1/2″ thick canvas than steer around it and risk hitting another car.

      • …the place Marty found the canvas was 2 blocks away from where my canvas got ruined by being run over repeatedly. I don’t swear that Puppy was looking over it, but I assure you that I know this locale far better than you do and it’s freakin’ amazing that no one ran over it.

    • Don’t be rude to others. No need. You’re just being nasty for the hell of it. Anymore comments from you will be moderated.

  4. No doubt at all. Not only was I present, kneeling above one of my beloveds when she passed and I physically felt her soul pass into or through me, but I have seen and/or heard many of my loved ones who have passed. It is not at all surprising or bizarre to me, as in my belief system, the veil between this world and the next is very thin, and all living beings have eternal souls.

  5. I lost my sweet Sadie, a 12/yr Tortie, a few years ago to hyperthyroidism after having controlled the disease with meds for 5 years. I was distraught, but within days, she visited me in dreams. Like others, the dreams were so vivid. 2 weeks later, I adopted my sweet Maine Coon, Abby. The dream that evening was of Sadie purring loudly and when I woke up, Abby was next to my ear doing the same. What makes this special for me is that some of the unusual mannerisms I saw in Sadie, I now see in Abby and no other cat. Sadie also had some unusual vocalizations and now I hear the same from Abby. It’s like my Sadie is giving her approval of Abby.

    BTW, I also get the same feelings from our deceased Alsatian, Grizzley Bear, who passed nearly 10 years ago now. I still feel his body brush against mine periodically as I pass a certain park or I hear his choke collar jingle as if he were running. It’s a nice and comforting sound and feeling.

  6. We lost our lovely boys Hearken von Baskin (Scottish Fold) and Robbins of Loxly (Siamese) within a couple years of each other. Those two boys were so sweet and affectionate toward me, I was mourning them recently, and oddly enough, a couple days later my newer young cats started cuddling up to me and showing a lot more affection… it was weird.


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