Animal abuse statistical link to general criminality

Animal abuse statistical link to general criminality

by Michael

Elisa has written some good stuff on the link of animal abuse to human abuse including domestic violence:

Kids Killing Cats

Abuse and Criminal Domestic Violence

Domestic Abuse and Pets

The police in the United States say that animal abuse is a better way of predicting whether someone will commit sexual assault than previous convictions for murder or arson (src: see spreadsheet below).

There is a clear and strong connection between animal abuse and abuse of family members and general criminality.

It seems that the criminal mind likes to abuse those that are physically weaker of more vulnerable than themselves.

I am sure things are being done to treat people who abuse animals rather than simply punishing them. Punishment should be severe for animal abuse. But as animal abuse is often a precursor to human abuse and criminality treatment (rehabilitation) as well are punishment (retribution) is in order.

Here is a startling set of statistics that show the correlation between the criminal mind and animal abuse:


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Animal abuse statistical link to general criminality

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Sep 26, 2011
Gilbert was Right on!
by: Jo Singer

Yes, the Mikado’s words channeled through Sir Gilbert were right on the money! We do need to take animal abuse crimes far more seriously and tender swift and appropriate penalties. This said, while animal abuse is considered a felony in – what I believe in all the states in the USA- since animals are still considered “second class citizens” and with courtroom dockets filled to the brim and jails vastly overpopulated, with the economy at the brink of disaster with littLe funds to administer mental health treatment, those animals who were abused once again are neglected through and by the judicial system since the perpretators of these crimes are are basically given a slap on the wrist.

If our judicial system doesn’t stand up more firmly to protect these animals and take these crimes as seriously as those perpretated on humans, many more animals will suffer at the hands of those they thought trustworthy and those who are potential abusers are given a covert message that nothing serious will happen to them shuld they be caught. It is indeed very sad.

Sep 26, 2011
Thanks Grahame
by: Michael

Thanks for the comment. People who like cats and animals need, I believe, to highlight the issue for the sake of the cat and society as a whole. Too many cats are needlessly hurt.

Sep 26, 2011
Animal abuse: Thank-you, Michael.
by: Grahame

Michael, I very much appreciate the efforts by you and Elisa to bring to the attention of POC readers many links between animal abuse and general criminality and violent crime.

I am appalled that the woman who, with her children, violently abused and murdered innocent kitties did so without, apparently, effective repercussions from the law. I do wish that there were a huge monster at our beck and call to deal with her in like manner to her kittie abuse! A Mikado cum ogre would do nicely:

“My purpose all sublime,
I shall reveal in time.
To make the punishment fit the crime,
The punishment fit the crime.”

[W S Gilbert and Arthur S Sullivan: “The Mikado”]

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