This is one of the rare occasions I sneak a dog story onto a cat website. I’m doing this one to show dogs are just as likely to be abandoned by evil humans as cats are. Thanks to animal advocates, a tiny dog in the Greenville, South Carolina area is safe. Please read on.

Stephanie Boone Lassiter works tirelessly to find homes for unwanted dogs. On June 3 the following was posted on her Facebook page about a person who was ready and willing to abandon a homeless dog.
“A friend of mine was contacted by their neighbor who said this little guy showed up at their house this week. The lady told them if they couldn’t take him she would take him to Cedar Falls Park and drop him off
😡.? That didn’t happen and he is with me right now. He was covered in fleas and it looks like the tip of his tail was broken.I am full and I need a rescue to step up for this little guy. He is an unaltered male Chihuahua mix less than a year old. Super sweet little guy that loves other dogs and kids. He even made friends w/ Shannon’s goat
❤️. Do I have a rescue or a foster for a rescue that has room for this little guy? He weighs under 10lbs.”
The post was shared and Natalie Powell with Home at Last Dog Rescue has confirmed him to their rescue. This unwanted little boy still needs a foster home until his transport up north is arranged.
Home at Last Dog Rescue has a good mission statement on their website where they explain how their rescue operates.
“We are a group of volunteers whose goal is to save the lives of homeless dogs suffering in high-kill shelters, as well as owner-surrender dogs who need to be re-homed due to unfortunate circumstances. We are not a shelter, and we have no central location for the dogs we rescue. We pull dogs from various shelters and provide foster homes until they are adopted. In doing so, we hope to provide an alternative to the purchase of puppy mill and pet store dogs, thereby reducing the demand for, and ultimately, the supply of, such dogs. We strive to match each dog with the right family after the dog has been observed in a foster home.”
A home visit, as well as a reference/veterinarian check, is also required of the adopting family before a dog is placed. All donations are tax deductible and a “donate” button can be found on their website.
This story reminded me so much of the story I did recently for PoC on the Monroe, North Carolina family who decided to abandon a cat and her kittens. While this little Chi didn’t belong to the woman, she was ready and willing to dump him. How can people be so cruel?
I want those who don’t stay neck-deep in animal rescue to understand it’s not only cats who are abandoned as though their lives don’t matter. It’s dogs, horses, pigs, rabbits, turtles, geese…the list just goes on and on with no end in sight. Even if you don’t claim the animal, it’s not the right thing to do to dump it.
Just as with the Monroe cat family, those in the animal advocacy community knew who to reach out to for help. Thanks to them, this little dog is in a comfortable home tonight instead of lost and alone at Cedar Falls Park.