Trade and Training of Animals
Trade of Animals
ARTICLE 10- When being sold, the health of animals must be good and their accommodation must be clean and comply with healthy conditions.
The care, feeding and transport of farm animals and arrangements aimed at ensuring their welfare and security during slaughter will be determined by a regulation to be issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
Arrangements relating to the trade of wild animals will be determined in a regulation to be issued by the Ministry.
Those who produce and trade in domestic pets are obliged to take precautions in relation to necessary anatomic, physiological and behavioural characteristics in order not to endanger the health of the mother and her young.
Issues relating to the commercial use of animals in film and advertisements are subject to permission. The principles and procedures relating to this permission will be determined in a regulation to be issued by the Ministry, having obtained the opinion of related organisations.
An animal cannot be used in filming, demonstrations, advertisements or similar work in a manner that would cause it pain, suffering or damage.
The import and export of test animals is subject to permission. This permission is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, having obtained the opinion of the Ministry.
It is forbidden to transfer, sell or receive an animal which is sick, old or lame, or suffering from pain from which it will not recover for any other purpose than to slaughter them according to procedures or to kill them humanely.
ARTICLE 11- Animals cannot be trained using methods which will cause them to exceed their natural capacity or strength, injure them, cause them unnecessary pain or encourage them to bad habits.
It is forbidden to pit animals against other live animals. Traditional shows with folkloric value which do not involve violence may be organised by obtaining permission from the provincial animal welfare committee, with the approval of the Ministry.
Slaughter and Killing of Animals and Bans
Slaughter of animals
ARTICLE 12 – The slaughter of animals will be carried out, taking into account the special conditions required by religious rules, without frightening or startling the animal, in the least painful manner possible, in line with the rules of hygiene and as quickly as possible under the method used. It will be ensured that licensed persons carry out the slaughter of animals.
For those who wish to make a religious sacrifice, the slaughter of animals in as quick and painless a manner as possible in line with religious provisions, hygienic conditions and environmental cleanliness, the slaughter places, the persons who are licensed to slaughter and other related issues will be determined by the Ministry in charge of the Directorate of Religious Affairs, having obtained the opinion of the Ministry and related organisations and institutions.
Killing of animals
ARTICLE 13 – It is forbidden to kill animals unless there are legal exceptions or in case of a medical or scientific necessity; and when there is no food purpose or threat to humans or the environment, pregnant, nursing, and birthing animals may not be killed.
The person or organisation which is responsible for killing an animal is obliged to dispose of the animal’s corpse after it is ascertained that the animal is indeed dead, or have it disposed of. The principles and procedures relating to such killing will be determined in a regulation to be issued by the Ministry.
ARTICLE 14 – The following actions in relation to animals are banned:
1. To intentionally mistreat animals, to carry out a cruel and unfair action, to beat an animal, leave them hungry or thirsty, to abandon them in extreme heat or cold, to neglect their care or to cause them physical and psychological pain.
b) To force an animal to carry out actions that are clearly beyond its strength,
c) To sell domestic pets to persons who have not received training in animal care.
d) To sell domestic pets to those under 16 years of age.
e) To interfere with the body of an animal before it is clear that they have definitely died,
f) To slaughter or kill animals other than slaughter animals, hunting animals which are permitted to be hunted or to be produced as slaughter animals in special production farms within the framework of Law no. 4915 and wild animals which are subject to trade, for their meat and to offer this to the market,
g) To distribute animals other than those bred for slaughter as prizes, bonuses or premiums.
h) To make artificial interventions unless for medical necessity or to supply foreign substances which could damage animals or the young contained in their main stomach or their eggs, apart from the production of caviar,
ı) To work animals when they are ill, when 2/3 of their pregnancy is completed or when they have recently given birth, and to shelter them in unsuitable conditions.
j) To have sexual relations with animals or to torture them,
k) To force feed an animal for reasons not related to health, to give an animal food which may cause pain, suffering or damage, alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, drugs and similar food or drinks which could cause addiction.
l) To produce, own, bring into the country, sell or advertise, exchange, display or make a present of an animal which constitutes a danger such as a Pitbull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, etc,