Animal shelter stored dead cats and dogs in freezer

NEWS/VIEWS – KENTUCKY, USA: This is not the sort of news you want to hear about an animal ‘shelter’; a euphemistic word which is often abused.

Randy Skaggs' Trixie Foundation raided by police
Randy Skaggs’ Trixie Foundation raided by police. This is the header of the FB page campaigning against Skaggs.

Randy Skaggs, 68, owns and runs Trixie Foundation animal shelter. Police used a search warrant to enter the place on complaints about it in April. They found cats and dogs in the freezer. A sure sign that things have gone badly wrong OR not. He said he did not have time to bury them. They seized 90 dogs and euthanised one on site. Others showed signs of neglect.

Comment from Jan Scere:

Generally shelters keep cats and dogs in the freezer until they can be picked up by creamatorium. So do vets offices. It seems the creamatorium picks up on a schedule.

Skaggs had already been charged with misdemeanour animal cruelty crimes in 2018 and was due to appear in court in June. This just adds 12 more charges to his list of crimes I am afraid. This time it is for improper disposal (of the bodies).

However, I don’t think Skaggs has a nasty criminal mind. He is might be unsuited to the task of running an animal shelter. Perhaps his heart is not in it. Charity can be quite profitable.

I have noticed that there is a Facebook campaign page against him: STOP The Trixie Foundation aka The Gulag. They have been watching Skaggs’ operation for a while. It is not a surprise that he his admitted mistakes were picked up and complaints made. Skaggs admits he has made mistakes but claims that he has done anything intentionally wrong.

I’ve not intentionally done anything except try to help these animals. Everyone makes mistakes, and I’ve made plenty of them.

He believes that he has critics because of his 100% no-kill policy – ‘non-euthanization policy’ (as reported by the New York Post). He believes that the raid is an attempt to pressure him to plead guilty to the earlier charges.

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