St. Cats and Dogs of Nay Aug Zoo (“Street Cats”) is a non-profit animal shelter as far as I am concerned although I stress that they DON’T describe themselves as a shelter which I find strange as it looks like a shelter and a damned impressive one as well. In the video you’ll see the shelter manage saying that they have 150-160 cats and kittens for adoption at that time. Perhaps the don’t like the word ‘shelter’ as it has connotations of euthanasia – the killing of healthy animals as homes can’t be found. Perhaps they want to avoid that connection.
What I love about this facility is that it’s a converted zoo. For me it is about as good as it gets: an organisation run by volunteers dedicated to improving the lives of unwanted cats occupying a zoo which I presume went bust.
Zoos are not really about animal welfare. They are an exploitation of animals at root while this animal rescue non-profit is all about animal welfare, improving the lives of cats and saving their lives.
I’d recommend that they (a) don’t rule out being referred to as an animal shelter and (b) change their name as the current one is a mouthful. It is even hard to type! Just kidding with a touch of seriousness. But I note that they call themselves “Street Cats” which is an acknowledgement that their formal name is a bit tricky to remember.
I am also guessing that they don’t want to be described as a shelter as they don’t to encourage people to abandon their cats and dogs at the facility as they are already pretty full.
I’d recommend that they study Nathan Winograd’s methods for rehoming cats and dogs. He is the master of the No-Kill animal shelter movement. I am also guessing that they are a No-Kill organisation.
In the video you see a mightily impressive mobile veterinary unit in the background. There is a bit of money sloshing around these non-profits in true American style.
The converted zoo looks so impressive as a shelter. Sorry it is not a shelter. What is it? A cat and dog rehoming facility? Is that a fair description?