Animal Shelters in NJ

by Michael

Oscar: 3 months old & blind. Adopted 2007 from Monmouth County SPCA (on the map). Photo: Valerie Craig (Val Ann)

Oscar: 3 months old & blind. Adopted 2007 from Monmouth County SPCA (on the map). Photo: Valerie Craig (Val Ann)

Here are the animal shelters in NJ mapped. For people living outside the United States, "NJ" stands for New Jersey, a state on the eastern side of the country.

This is an area where there are more than the average number of animal rescue centers and organisations.

The map shows actual rescue facilities and offices were animal rescue operations are managed.

I hope it is accurate and therefore proves useful.

I am a fervent believer in adopting from the massive pool of rescued animals.

Most feral cats and animals are probably killed at shelters because they are considered unadoptable due to their wild nature.

This is a great shame. It is possible to tame and domesticate a truly feral cat but it takes time and persistence.

I feel sure that there are many stray cats that are not truly feral which could and should be adopted and which are not because they don't present well in the rescue or shelter environment.

When you think about it, it must be difficult to assess whether any cat has suitable personality traits in an environment that is inherently stressful - the rescue center.

How do the rescue people do this? It is probably that many cats are euthanized (the better term is killed) at rescue centers because of an assessment that is not accurate.

This may not be their fault but it highlights the difficulties in managing rescued cats and finding new homes for them.


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Animal Shelters in NJ

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Jan 31, 2012
Changes are needed regarding feral cats! NEW
by: Anonymous

I truly understand about the large number of once domesticated cats that have become feral due to careless owners, adopting a pet its a LIFELONG commitment & it includes emotional, food as well as veterinary care as needed; just because the newness of such pet wears out there NO EXCUSE to abandon that pet because then it becomes feral.
Our family has been cat lovers, rescuers, helpers for over 40 years, a highly rewarding experience
eg one of our rescues lived to be 24 yrs old, she actually waited for husband to come back home & then she died in his arms, quite an unforgetable experience. Cats do have emotions just like humans
experience has taught us that we don't own/adopt a cat but the cat owns us. If people weren't so careless about their pets, there would be no feral cats. Yes, I support TNR, @ least cats live their natural life w/o producing more UNWANTED kittens, a feral colony its a great setting if & when a responsible person cares about these precious pets.

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