Another African Serval Escapes and Gets Run Over

Serval killed on road Vancouver
Serval killed on road in Vancouver

The Taliban attack today is an example of human madness. This is another example. The African serval is legal as a pet in most Vancouver Island municipalities which is why sometimes they escape and sometimes they get killed on the road because they have no idea of the dangers that surrounds them in suburbia. They have no idea that they are in a human settlement with heavy traffic and all manner of other hazards and dangers. It is quite absurd that the African serval can be treated as a pet in Vancouver Island municipalities and, in fact, any other Canadian or American municipality.

Another serval has escaped and another serval has died on the roads and if they don’t die on the road some idiot shoots them because they have no idea what what they are looking at and they’re terrified (unjustifiably). When a person is frightened and they don’t understand they kill.

The basic motto is that what we don’t understand we are frightened of and what we are frightened of we kill (if we can kill it and it is legal).

Recently, there was a search in Vancouver Island for an escaped exotic cat and the search is conveniently over because a man in a truck struck and killed the escaped exotic cat which happened to be an African serval because the African serval is often turned into a pet because people think that they make a nice pet which they don’t because they’re too big and because they spray urine and they may scratch and hurt people and therefore they are declawed which is a nasty abuse of an animal which turns the whole human/cat relationship into a complete failure. Phew.

In this instance, the man in the truck happened to be Peter Henry and he posted photos of the dead cat in the back of his truck on his Facebook page. That solved the problem of the missing exotic cat. It is such a typical and modern way to announce the end of the life of an African serval who shouldn’t have been in Vancouver in the first place – so far out of his or her natural habitat as to be a joke.

Peter Henry says that he was shocked when the serval jumped out in front of his truck (personally I am not). A local cat breeder believes that the serval was one of his that he sold to another local breeder. Cat breeders sell to cat breeders who breed more cats who then sell the cats to people who think they can look after an exotic cat which happens to be a 40 pound, medium-sized, African wild cat which they discover is unsuitable to be a pet.

Hallelujah. When are humans going to learn from history and grow up?

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